Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?

i don’t think that blizzard wants to share our private information on the forums.

I call that an epic win. :rofl:

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Btags are not private information. Blizzard clearly stated they are to be used as public account names. I wish people would stop with the misinformation about btags.


Don’t we all?


if it were public information, everyone would already know it.

Well, it’s more or less that this (Or similar) topic has a ton of people with good takes, and i just run out of likes. So i just wanted unlimited likes.

If one shall ask me to be positive, give me unlimited positivity to spread then. :ok_hand: :weary:

And some people (won’t say names, but they will confirm it themselves) like to use likes against other people for some… silly reason. So figured having more will drive them nuts to keep track of it all, i can imagine they are like picking up every like and trying to make excuses for it, while i’m just Machine-Guning Likes to people.

Could you show proof of this? It seems like your argument is sort of confusing.

Thank you so much my friend

What do expect . If the facts don’t support their agenda then they have to perpetuate the lie.


Ahh thank you kindly. I completely understand :blush:

Np! have a bird!


Imma steal birds now and hand them out until i get unlimited likes.


They only trust the TrustMeBro . org


the general idea behind this theory is that if they were public information, then everyone would already know everyone else’s.

I’d like to give out some birds too but I’d get in trouble :smiling_imp:

They pruned this once. Next round might be asking for a lock.


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So i have to use these birds instead.


Hey now, don’t you know, the bird is the word?


By default, your profile is Public . You can choose to restrict who can read your profile.’

from ‘ social settings’


Does anyone know what another thread was about exactly. Not sure if you saw it.
Someone accused those of us who want account wide ignore to be 10 people who talk to ourselves posting on alts all the time.
So very weird.


That doesn’t mean it isn’t a problem for CS or other users.

As time is being wasted by throwing out baseless flagging’s, necessitating a possible rehaul to the forum systems which could follow or precede a forum wipe.

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Are you privy to how much time is allegedly wasted? You are seemingly in the know what goes on in the background in Blizzard’s offices.

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