Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?

And here you are advocating people names should be shown for flagging posts. Can’t have it both ways.


Technically you have no idea what is possible with the technicalities of the discourse forum software.

Except you two got mad when the people DID judge you based on the things or ideas you’ve said.

Also, you said earlier you wanted to see who flags, so you’re just contradicting yourself, but i guess it’s to be expected from somebody who’s upset over a few frames of pictures.

You simply understand nothing lol.

Still have them receipts for one of them… :smirk:

do we need a forum wipe?

No, just take a damp towel and gently clean your screen.


Okay. This one wins the thread.


Hehe ok that was good. That made me laugh.


Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West Virginia, mountain mama
Take me home, country roads


I like this track


Such a great song/trailer for such a mediocre game

Apparently they changed A LOT with it and it’s halfway decent. I haven’t played it yet but I may give it a try after I finish fallout 2.

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Bethesda excels at music and trailers, but they’re weak on execution of their games.

Even Skyrim, for all the acclaim it has, has some pretty big flaws imo.

I’ve heard this too. I fairly enjoyed it at launch, but I treated it as a single player experience. I even enjoyed the main story. All this before friendly NPCs

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Frank Horrigan

Oh yea, all their games are buggy messes and stuff

But man we all log a few hundred hours into every single one (except starfield, didn’t even get that one cuz it was bad even by their standards)


I know who you’re refering to though.

The only good thing that came out of FO76

All I said was his name

And thats all he needs


Oh I’m not even referring to bugs. Radiant quests, while neat, were completely boring and annoying. Oblivion’s guilds were rich with quests that had a lot of small details. Skyrim eliminated a lot of that for “Go to X and kill bob.” Nothing special about it whatsoever, just some random kill x quest for a random generic reward.

I think I put a 100hrs into Starfield, I enjoyed it for what it is, and not what everyone hyped it up to be. No real interest in going back to it until the DLC is out tho, and only because I’ve already paid for it so I might as well check it out.

Nobody says “Enjoy yourself while it lasts” in a non threatening matter lol. Especially since it was followed atfer the mention of “paper trail”, suggesting potentially negative consequences in the future.

Also responding to people isn’t harassment.

Ya know, considering how much you guys keep using Blizzard here, maybe i’l ask—

Oh, nvm, it went bye bye.

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Imma hazard to guess it’s not a rogue.



Where did it all go?

Where did what go?

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