Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?

Lol, you just don’t want stuff like battletags or account wide options because then people could actually say goodbye to you for good with a one and done type of thing which is what we should all be able to do anyway.


implementing features that enhance a user’s privacy would help make people feel comfortable enough to freely engage in conversation which would result in much more productive dialogues.

Wouldn’t you agree?

Oh, this is one fully loaded statement…


i simply dont understand that.

That’s cute you think they have people working on the reports instead of automation.


yes, this is the exact reason why Nelfas advocated for anonymous posting features and i agreed fully with Nelfas.

But now you want people’s information public?


But… but what about having who flagged a post public?

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we wouldn’t need that

That’s Warfarin

Correct a non cancerous tumor of the salivary gland


I guess it doesn’t matter as along they have a way to silence you. Rules be darned (They talk a big talk about rules, but always dismisses them when it’s not conivenent) to them simply put.

So much for them being “Polite” LOL.

better then the same 2 that are always against it


Why do you ignore the actual blue post saying they don’t exist?

Is it because it ruins your narrative, or you just like to selectively quote him


Ohhhh… I see…

I have seen no evidence of what you described as being a problem.

Have a great day friend


People can’t punish with btags but they sure can ignore people they don’y want to deal with .

No one here has a right to be heard by everyone just by those that choose to do so .

If you think people being able to ignore you violates you right to speak then you have no clue what free speech realy is.

Show proof because unless you are someones btag friend you can’t do anything with them .

Even then all you can do is see what game they are in if WoW what toon is loged in) or see if they are in the app . Nothing else .

You must be another one of those that when the facts don’t back up your agenda , you perpetuate the lie .

make (something, typically an undesirable situation or an unfounded belief) continue indefinitely:


You can ignore people without seeing their btag.

Show me where someone claimed otherwise.

Show me where someone claimed otherwise.

Also, if you think freedom of speech applies to a video game forum then you don’t know what it is in the first place anyway.

I don’t think it does apply to anything outside of Government Protection (As in protection from the Government)

People want to see btags on the forum so they can creep around people on the forum, not in game.

Technically you can’t ignore people since you can only ignore one of their characters and not the actual person