Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?

@Naughtymoon-FromAServerWhoseNameICan’tSee thank you for the reply.


Are you reducing dosage per doctors suggestions, is this for something specific? Medication altering is risky bizzness. Our bodies can get all buggered up when we change the dynamics too suddenly or too often.

Be safe. :heart:


it’s not about being “offended” or “choosing to not look at the gif”; it is about the issue that when someone posts a gif, it prompts other users to make off-topic and non-constructive posts.

gifs inherently derail a topic and i believe they should not be allowed.

see this is a perfect example of a gif prompting others to make non-constructive posts that have nothing to do with the topic of the OP.

this has absolutely nothing to do with forum changes.

Right. And all the text based only comments about people’s alts and identities, nicknames and perceived harassment has kept everything right on track and been super constructive to this topic.


Nah it makes perfect sense, you just have to think about it

Your expectations are kinda high.


Oh you rascal

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Yes it is. You can mask it up all you want with the “But it derail the muh topic” excuse and write a novel on how you’re not, but you can’t hide your real feelings from me. Only offended people complain about gifs.

You can simply choose not to look at a gif, and if you dislike it, that’s your fault for allowing a few frames of animation upset you. You might as well be upset over people typing since that’s pretty much where you at.

And given the OP of this thread, there has to be a topic to derail when OP doesn’t even stay on the same topic in their own replies to begin with.

Made, there has to be a topic to derail, and again, look at the OP who has been so loose with their own topics in replies and such.

Also, Nintendo is awful. Not their games, but the vultures up top controlling things. Like litteraly fire everybody at the top and CEO, replace them, and bam, instant better publisher. And we can FINALLY get PC ports of games. Breath of the Wild do look pretty lit with Mouse/Keyboard and mods. :slight_smile: Unless some gigachad reconstruct it on PC natively like they did with Super Mario 64.


GIFs, embeds, and other related things are often a way of communicating a visual reply or commentary on things, when someone may not have the words to comment in written form at the moment. For instance, I could lament this eloquently, or…

I could simplify things with a Picard facepalm. And if bad enough, both him and Number One.


Your allowed to speak your mind

Na with stress and eveyrthing I lost track of when I was supposed to take it and forgot if I did or didn’t take it.

I’m back on track now but ty for that <3


And too sometimes people can’t comprehend text all that well but a picture can help convey that too.

Or maybe they aren’t the best at typing so they put a picture to convey their thoughts.


yes, i can choose to not look at a gif and that’s what i do.

but i cannot choose to not look at all of the following off-topic messages that are posted as a result of the gif as they derail the topics.

and the issue with gifs have nothing to do with how i “feel” about gifs personally, it is that they are against the Code of Conduct as i explained in an earlier post.

i will quote that post for you so you don’t have to scroll all the way up to find it:

Yes you can, its what I do for most of your posts


lol that’s what the ignore function is for. It hides posts.


Embeds are not against the CoC. However, individual instances of them may be evaluated as such, per moderator discretion.


“use at own risk” basically.


Posting a gif for the sole purpose of humor would be constructive.


Fixed it for you.

Now show us the Deathwing Mario gif. :slight_smile:

The world must know so it can be a better place lol.

THE “IT’S-A-ME MARIOWING” MUST HAPPEN. Slams fists on the table :fist: