Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?

I’m just calling them a nickname I’ve given them, kind of like how people have referred to be as Mal

They haven’t complained about it or anything, so I’m not sure what they’re trying to talk about harassment wise now

IMO, don’t implement it for downvotes either. My earlier hypothetical applies there too.

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I get you and I don’t see the issue, people call me Naughty all the time so lol.


Apparently discourse can’t support downvotes but it does have some kind of feature like facebook does with likes where it’s a reaction based like. I would be ok with those.


If they didn’t enjoy the nickname as its faster to type, they could have just told me instead of trying to accuse me of “harassing” them by replying to their comments towards me

But hey, some people are just different I guess

Even better. I really don’t see the problem with people knowing who “reacted” to their post in whatever way - we already have hearts like that.


That’ll be up for Blizzard to decide. :kissing_closed_eyes:

What baffles me is there’s support for anan posting then there’s support to see who flagged posts.

Like… I don’t understand that. They counter act each other. Seeing likes is hit and miss but eh it is what it is and having a reaction system would be ok.

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Yeah I don’t know, confuses me sometimes when people will @ you and then you @ them back and they are like acting like you shouldn’t reply to them even though they replied to you.


It’s only “harassment” because you got their name right.


Like the NSA and our phones/telecom. Prefer to remain hidden but gather the data :upside_down_face:


Like if they don’t want someone to respond to them, maybe they shouldn’t talk to them?

Mods can just see me responding to them, not sure how that covers harassment, but hey as their friends were complaining about “false flags” earlier


I still don’t know how to do the @. Or if it’s just a manual thing? Or does the forum ping that user if you use the @command correctly?

I haven’t figured that out yet either

Ya’ll get some extra marshmellows in your Count Chocula today? Posts are gettin’ spicey all of a sudden.



Today, I full cleared Normal VoTI in 49 minutes with an average ilvl 492 group after being declined as a 488 healer 6x in a row to similar normal listing.

By the time I was finished, the ILVL coping groups were still up and only halfway through the raid.

What’s the relevance to this topic, you might wonder?

People in this community really just have no clue and PUGGing is ultimate litmus for this theory.

Oh if you mean like how Twitter or Facebook does it I don’t know, I meant it as just another way of saying reply because you are say @ you so I’m replying to you, lol.

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I had taco bell for breakfast and I’m halfway off my crazy pills.


Grats on the clear!


Are they seriously that bothered with justa few frames of a picture? Next they will tell us that pictures aren’t allowed because it subjectively offends them.

And people here wonder why i do the things i do on the bird-site.

Also, now i want to see this Deathwing’s head on a Mario’s Body gif lol. Or vice versa.

I can see somebody putting Mario’s head form typing or 64 and with the intro of super mario 64 just being deepfried to all heck.

Everybody does what Nintendon’t.