Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?

Lets be real here they’d harass you, bully you, stalk you, etc. all because you flagged their post/posts.


and while I have the utmost regard for the OP here, he had to have known it was inevitable that it would take this path.

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Which is exactly what will happen if btags are introduced. The irony is crazy.


And hovering over that allows you to know who did it. If they posted on the forum ever, you can then hover over their picture in a post to see the server they’re on. The link will show character name, a hyphen, and the server.

This is misinformation, you cannot stalk or harass anyone with their btag.


Oh let them if I report a post and they come after me.
Evil grinning

Remember… they are the ones that wanted it.


This has been proven false so many times due to every other Blizzard forum using battletags without issues, get real or actually provide legit proof that this would happen otherwise don’t waste my time or yours with false claims.


You can’t stalk anyone by seeing who flagged who either, so here we are.

Wow, nothing’s changed with these threads while I’ve been knocked out.

People would rather stomp down on the ability of people to communicate freely and want the mods to become little tyrants punishing people they don’t approve of, but let someone just not see one person’s posts in one swoop is punishment somehow.

And now a much more abusable change that would only work to protect people who post inappropriately. Lovely


We cant see who flagged our posts…only who liked them, currently

I think Lid was meaning if they did put it in not currently.


ILY just saying and welcome back somewhat. :heartpulse: :heartpulse: :heartpulse:


Boy, I’m sure showing who reported a post wouldn’t end badly

Some people sure wouldnt lash out even harder at people if they saw they reported them

JK yes they would, my example is multiple posters in this thread


I see. Ive only had 2 coffees today so not yet coherent lol

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My argument was to directly expose a flaw of your proposal. If implemented exactly as how likes are, hovering over a portrait thumbnail for who reported the post will dump the character name as a tooltip. They just find the matching full-size portrait in a forum post, hover over it, and the tooltip then shows character and server name.

Then report them. Problem solved.

They would have already reported them, so they’d continue to rage every time they saw another report

Just want to cause problems as usual, eh kip?


thanks, finally starting to feel up to this kinda stuff


The problem is that if you enable the ability to see who flagged, and someone retaliates against someone who flagged a post of theirs, then unnecessary problems were caused.


Yeah, not sure how they could do it. Im just entirely for the idea of seeing who has flagged a post.
Personally I see a LOT of alt accounts being used to keep the accusers ID hidden anyway…lol.