Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?

Oh hey yeah that does counter act that don’t it?


So we can see a pattern of the same people reporting the same people over and over.

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Astonishing, huh? They change their mind about as often as they change which character they post on.


That’s for mods to figure out and punish not us.


We can’t punish each other, nowhere did I hint that. You must be against btags on the forum with that stance then also.

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Did I stutter? That’s the mod’s job. If they punish after the fact that’s also their job.

Also I could care less if btags got added in or not. If they do they do if they don’t they don’t.

I just want account wide ignore and account wide functions.


Vote in the affirmative on this one.
We should be able to see our accusers.

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Did I stutter?

Ah so we are at a “nuh uh!” argument.

How about no.


Yeah. I like taking responsibility for my actions.

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obviously not going to happen…but it does beg the question what you might want to hide from in that case.
I have ZERO problem with you knowing if Ive flagged you for what I feel is a violation, personally

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Oh I’ve flagged everyone at some point for one reason or another. Heck I even flagged myself (yes you can do that).

I run out of flags on fuzz so I try to limit them.

I’m going to cite a hypothetical here.

Say one person posts a bigoted statement about bi people here. I report it as inappropriate. Under this proposal, they’d be able to see that. They can then potentially choose to retaliate against me, on the forums or ingame. While reportable, it’s not good at all.


but we’ve been told 8000 times in here that its impossible to harass you in game based on what goes on in here…EVEN IF we had visible btags showing.
Am I to understand some have been dishonest about that ?

As they say…if youre harassed, report them. problem solved.

They want everyone ‘accountable’…except for those who gang flag posts knowing it doesnt violate any rules.
Personally I agree…make the flaggers name shown, just like likes are shown currently.


Hold the forum bomb squad names accountable for all to see.

If you knew who flagged you, what would you do differently?


Not to state the obvious here, but this thread has essentially turned into the let’s use btags for the forums version 2.0. To which, the moderators have replied to our suggestions & closed.

It’s been hashed out that a full wipe will do nothing unless other measures are put in place to throttle trolling, sock puppets and alt hopping to flag. So… here we are back on the merry-go-round come full circle.

Nothing new or effective has really come up.


There are a number of people that do not like confrontation. So them knowing that the person in question will not know they have an issue with them makes it safer for them flag. I feel that if a person reports me I should be placed on their ignore list automatically.

Oh if you want my name to show on flagged posts I’ll just flag and explain why after doing it as a reply to your post. :slight_smile:

Also feel free to give me a PM. Love to hear it.

nothing much…but we’d know who the ones flagging the posts over and over and over that dont break any rules, so we’d at least know who NOT to have any respect for and whom to put on permanent ignore as they arent worthy of our time or attention

They want ‘accountabiliity’ in here…so that should include being able to face my accusers.