Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?

I think the worth of the forum is for every one of its users to decide. Some folks will like it, some won’t.

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I mean there aren’t any standards.

Only users upset with other users as they try to hold them to rules that they’re happy to not uphold fairly themselves, which has resulted in a lot of the arguing we’re seeing here and why I don’t bother.

It’s all nonsense that only Blizzard has the say worth heeding, not the users looking to control other users for perceived faults.

No matter the cause for these conflicts Blizz is going to have to be clever with whatever they try to implement as a forum update as none of it is going to disappear at this point with just a forum wipe on its own.

Please do not edit people’s replies.

I clicked on it and it didn’t show as edited.

Like what was in quotes is what they said /shrug


Who says we need to talk about WoW? or stay on topic? That’s where the problem is. Clearly people if they admit it or not want the WoW forum to be a bit more open like other social media. Damn these restriction, not enough game to take about these days anyway. Maybe if Blizzard didn’t kill 95% of the game to sell level boosts there would be more game discussions. But the forum can be summed up to complains about endgame and forum etiquette.

Says the OP of this thread. lol

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Why I don’t bother talking with or about posters whose only goal is demonize one another for being rubbed the wrong way.

We shouldn’t be looking to do moderations job for them. We’re not empowered to do so.

You will never create or foster a community that isn’t toxic.


Seems to lots of people that your goal is the same as this though…and to start arguments


If this is so through the reports that this topic got earlier, than Blizzard has given this thread its blessing.

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I highly doubt the image you’ve given yourself that causes so many to have the opinion they do came from this thread.

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Doesn’t sound like its my problem then.

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I mean if you say so.

well the code of conduct expressly states that “non-constructive posts” are punishable by silence or ban.

for most it’s btags or nothing so any other angle is a no lol
just give me the dislike button. i rather be downvoted than
reported to hell but whos to say ppl still wont report heavy?
then again idr the last report i got that wasnt related to these forum posts so meh lol.

then flag and let blizzard figure it out.

Why did your post break down weird like that?

Like the lines etc. Anyway lol sorry I like the idea of updoots and downdoots.

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Almost every one of their posts looks like it’s broken down into haiku form to me but I thought it was just me :rofl:


Wait… they are?!


Any who that doesn’t take away from what they said was just something I noticed.

i always post like that mostly bc easier for me to read
but also im on the phone like 99% of the time
so formatting always looks weird to me

not the first time someone’s made fun of my typing hopefully explaining doesn’t get me reported lol

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Oh no no I wasn’t making fun of it was just something I saw.

Tbh I’ve read countless posts of yours and just now saw it. If that helps you that’s a good thing and I completely understand.
