Agreeing with the sentiment of a gif, by giving a like, is not a ‘defense’. Just like agreeing with the sentiment of a text based only post and giving it a heart, is also not a defense.
Ah I see.
Damn, always so confusing.
I don’t think words with a legit use yet get used inappropriately counts as a proper curse word.
I said two already.
They be curse words.
Forums can change, but if people dont then the changes wont do much. My 2 cents
Pretty much.
People don’t
What are you talking about?
You’re the one who said people are ‘defending with hearts’. Did you mean something else than the forum like/hearts @ the bottom of the posts?
We need hearts and frownie faces.
Kind of like the double standard some of y’all seem to have about only being offended by certain “off topic”?
why would the forums need a wipe? lots of historic threads would be lost for no benefit
The social reward system is problematic. Farming for likes and alt swapping to inflate likes/dislikes has always been an issue. Updoots and downdoots are again, secondary tools for harassment. Incentives are weird. Even intangible pixels can be misconstrued for ill intent.
yeah off topic posts are quite common
The forums don’t need a wipe.
Well hopefully there’s a bidet at least
As there should be, most topics are not worth it to stay on topic
if thats true, do you believe that having a forum for wow is even worth it?
What a silly question.