Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?

Once you become a Moderator for Blizzard, you get to make those determinations. Until then, report and move on.


Not much of a topic to talk about.

Forum wipe, haha

Yeah, to be fair I think we at least agree there.

i believe the main premise is that there should be a forum wipe and then a new forum reinstituted that has some stricter rules and controls over the content that can be posted here to create a better forum experience.

Oh, speaking about Off-topic, nothing surprising of the double standards from the OP when there is that Paladin going off topic about gif’s.


There’s still no reason. Oh by the way, what are those inappropriate threads?


they were of the topic of… “Nuh uh!”

Like, I brought it up as a small suggestion that if we had a wipe that it just be a thing that gifs are built in or something.

They went on a MASSIVE MASSIVE TANGENT and are STILL on that tangent 600 posts later.

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You know someone who prefers to harass others is never going to give you a proper answer.


I get it. Another thread about trying to fix the forum. Forum is not broken, seems to work just fine, whatever issues people see here is small potato’s to most social media.


so you would be of the opinion that the forums function perfectly as they currently are and don’t need any changes, then?

Work find huh? Did you ask them why did they need to switch so many alts to reply to people, to pretend to be someone else each time?

They should let us loose a bit more. Let us throw down a bit more, it’s like a day care center in here with how strict it is.

Yet we need a catastrophic database deletion and new, virgin soil here? Doubt… unless they just want to get rid of threads that are only problematic because of “reasons”.

And what’s that supposed to mean?

Let us use foul language, go way off topic, toss insults but not threats, troll. Stuff like that.

All social media should

What if I told you there’s already some curse words that can be posted.

There are a lot of double standards here. People will often berate posters who crop up an old thread on accident that have an actual question and then report them and the OP, but here you have some defending off-topic gifs with their hearts. It’s weird.

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What the frell are you on about here?

Frell? Don’t you mean Hell?

I think it is a mage way of saying Fel.