Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?

Han…let me tell you a story about the Brazilian forum.

When there were dislikes on the forum, with many dislikes, the person’s topic would be hidden, there was a streamer/YouTuber who abused this system.

He had a group that followed him, and in a short time, he managed to gain favors from the GMs and admins of the forums and the Blizzard office in Brazil. He was always the first to be invited to events, received invitations for promotions and ads… He gained “control” of the World of Warcraft Facebook group in Brazil and then could make those he disliked disappear from FB, W.APPs and Wow Forum.

He persecuted many people, many other interviewers/YouTubers/bloggers, anyone who didn’t advertise for him, he pursued.

And it all started on the forum. Anything against him or about other streamers/YouTubers, his group would mass dislike. The forum had to be about him, and this made the staff think he was relevant.

Any topic that was created in a neutral way to talk about a subject, for example, about Taurens, would get mass dislikes unless you included in the post: “according to the video by X YouTuber, the Taurens blah blah blah,” then you would get mass likes. This guy was called “Chequer”.

The story ended when they removed the dislike feature, and people started creating topics accusing him until a big topic with more than 10,000 replies/stories was created, each one darker than the last.

There were stories where he threatened someone’s family via Facebook if the person didn’t delete a blog. Other cases included someone saying HI and getting 300 dislikes within 30 seconds.

The story ended there. When the dislike feature disappeared, he tried to become relevant again (or it was a little before) on Twitch, but he used bots to gain views and was discovered. Along with the WoW stories, he ended his career.

I don’t think the dislikes should come back.

Yeah I’m glad I stuck them on ignore ages ago.


Historically this poster has suggested in other threads to get rid of forums completely. Since that agenda didn’t stick, the alternative motions have gone across the spectrum, to wiping posts and now banning gifs.

The theory apparently is, if you can’t ram the Titanic directly into the iceberg head on and sink her quick, just keep drilling holes in the hull. If you don’t like sailing, no one else should should survive or enjoy the voyage either.


Sounds like a win/win if they stop using the forums then

Cuz then they don’t exist for them


Posters want Btags to stop posters from using alts to get around ignores. If these same alt users can opt out of Btags, it would make the Btags a useless system.


They don’t make quality trolls like they used to.

But this is why we need account wide forum stuff.


I can either type out a 1000+ word opinion on the forums or I can sum my opinion up with 1 well placed gif.

I find this funny that the same usual suspects that are always railing that people ignoring their whole account would limit their ability to say stuff… are trying to limit people’s ability to say stuff.


*Technically, it’s Sweet Baby, Inc. It’s a consultation and narrative development company. But it bears pointing out that DEI itself is not a toxic thing. Like all things that can be used one way or another, it matters most in how it is implemented.


but gifs are usually off-topic and don’t provide support for a productive atmosphere that will assist with constructive discussion.

i’ve provided examples in this very thread of gifs that are off-topic and are not conducive to an atmosphere that promotes constructive discussion.

can you point to any examples of gifs within this thread that actually assist with constructive discussion?

Thank you both. i googled both terms and have a slightly better understanding.

Much appreciated

Refusing to engage further on a point rooted in a logical fallacy.


True, in it’s original conception it was fine, just as woke used to be a huge positive. Things got out of hand, and now everything from universities to governments are dropping DEI programs as they are a waste of money.

yes i would say the same thing if i were unable to find any examples as well.

Judge Judy spoke mountains of truth

Nuh uh!


Chiding someone for refusing to engage a fallacious argument is fallacy in itself.

And just like that you’ve lost me. “Woke” is not the bogeyman you think it is. Just tell us where the evil minority touched you already.



Fallacy… sorry I’ll shut up now.


an argument is not fallacious simply because you are incapable of proving it wrong… that’s not the definition of that word.

You made the claim that usually GIFs are off topic. A GIF - or any kind of embed, really - is just another form of commentary on a part of the topic. If you’re going to allege that it’s usually the case, you can’t just cite one and claim your point’s proven. You need to prove the rule, rather than the exception, and the burden isn’t on the one pointing out you haven’t substantiated it.

Good Light above, do they teach debate in schools anymore?