Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?

The turtle tank live streams are awesome I really like those.

Also cat purring is therapeutic too.

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I can literally feel their warmth radiating from my screen. Adorable!

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another forum improvement suggestion that i would like to make is that all “forum improvement threads” be designated for Customer Service instead of general discussion.

people who actually want to genuinely discuss forum improvement are more likely to visit the customer service section and would keep many people from just coming into these threads for no reason.

then the customer service personnel could actually make an official forum improvement thread and ensure that it stays on-topic.

Customer support is not a for petitions/suggestions. So… Respectfully? No, such would be off-topic for the CS forums.


Customer support is usually a player help desk anything… I think?


it’s just that these threads never seem to stay on topic and i believe that moving them closer to CS agents would help it stay on track where it could be moderated more closely.

They have better things they can be doing to help players with than playing forum police in bad take threads.

I have been a system developer and handled problematic people in various communities for a very long time. Another common tactic used by problematic types is best described with spoiled children, where one would cause a problem and then appeal to the parent that will give them what they want with feigned innocence as if they could do no wrong. It became especially aggravating when a player would be denied something they wanted, be it a resolution in their favor in a dispute or some form of power or Prestige or what have you that they felt they were entitled to, yet after being denied they would try and get a different response from another person in power. Such individuals were always caught and punished for admin fishing and would sometimes result in finding people in power who were corrupt that would allow some to skirt around the rules to either cheat or change the rules to benefit specific people for personal favors.

Why do I bring this up you ask? Because your suggestions always reek of the spoiled child mentality. If you were given what you ask for (closer moderation to posts) you wouldn’t have to worry about being derailed by gifs, your suggestions would just vanish.


You are more than welcome to make the request. I’m sure The Customer Support Forum Blues have all the extra time in the world to moderate this type of thread all day long and to babysit us. Just in the way that you would hope as well.

Vrakthris and Orlyia have all the extra time in the world and don’t have anything else important at all to do. So adding this thread or one like it would be quite simple for them.



upboots and downboots.

it just seems like the best option for these topics.

As I said. Make the request. Let them know how you feel. You will get a well measured and kind reply. Or not. Depends if they are busy in the morning or not.


Although, you should keep in mind what was already said about the customer service forum.

And he can not lie , you other vulpera can’t deny


i already made the suggestion here, thanks.

Actually, the CS staff have said that Website Bug reports would be a better place for suggestions of website improvements, like forums upgrades.

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And OP knows that, having made a thread in CS that got moved there (before being deleted).


Oh I know, and remember.

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yes this is what i meant when forum improvement threads would be better in a place that isn’t general discussion.

I’m just going to pull this up with you:

Customer Support Agents have more work than just moderating. They help with tickets, they help with player account related issues in the Customer Support forums. They are not here to moderate one single thread because of people such as yourself who want to derail it with nonsense.

Most of the time, any suggestions in regards to the World of Warcraft forums is usually best in the Website Bug Report Forums. (Yes, forum suggestions can be posted there.)

If you feel that anyone is violating the Forum Code of Conduct, hit the little blue flag on the bottom right of the post, and move on. But the Customer Support Agents have more to deal with on their plates and can’t just keep watching one single thread over.


i actually already acknowledged that

thank you very much, hope you have a lovely day.

You should make one in the bug forum then. If you feel strongly about it then don’t let anyone hold you back! Get out there, Strut your stuff and show them what you’re made of! I have faith in ya.

Don’t listen to the nay sayers. You’re a strong independent Paladin and you need to strike out and show the world who and what you are!

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