Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?

The benefits of having GIFs used at appropriate times certainly out weigh any perceived or imaginary detrimental effects that could be argued.

So, I’m with you.


Uh huh!


1 Like

That’s literally what trust levels are for. To prevent random trolls from misusing them. Is it the best system ever? no. But I’ve yet to see people misusing it because once you lose the privilege, one would find it difficult to get it back.


Absolutely agree with you


I agree. Might need to lock gifs into stricter requirements if anything. People are too spam happy with them, no need for it and it will help the mods not waste time cleaning up.


I disagree because while some gifs are non-productive contributions, usually the popcorn/In before lock gifs in Sunday threads on days that aren’t Sunday which are the type the Blizz CS guy was referencing, most other gifs and such are relevant to keeping a positive discussion going, if you are encountering gifs that are being used to derail a discussion, it is usually because people are not comfortable with the current discussion.

It also works simply because some people are unable to take “no” or “stop” as an answer and alternative measures must be taken.


Then don’t reply to it? Why do we need random gifs because you aren’t comfortable with a topic? That makes no sense, at all. Mute and move on.


As I try to tell people to do. Yet we have people who insist on engaging in topics that make them uncomfortable and trolls pushing ideas with the intent to make people uncomfortable. When it comes to fostering a healthy discussion, the topic of the discussion should not be made with the intent to make people uncomfortable. If they want a healthy discussion, most of the people in here should just stop posting entirely.


i feel like a lot of topics on gd have pretty nice discussions
this one here, not so much, since its been a toxic discussion for a long time.
2 much bickering, mass flags, finger pointing etc. just not productive, even less so now.


I gotta agree with you there, the reporting system doesn’t seem to be reliable anymore. The dislike button will make it a lot easier to speak our minds on the matter and have our voices heard even when it seems no one else seems to like it.


Updoots and downdoots… I like updoots and downdoots.


More or less. Bad actors, suggestions with questionable motives, etc… Now a war against TL3 and gifs? Saying they undermine healthy discussion when their own words do more harm to healthy discussion than any silly image? It is pretty silly.

I see it like this, say Person A is having a discussion on how to handle a problem and for this hypothetical lets just say it is tackling unemployment and poverty. Person B jumps up and says to euthanize the poor and unemployed to solve it. Reasonable society would toss Person B out since we aren’t that far into dystopia yet and their argument is stricken down and discredited because that topic isn’t part of a healthy discussion as it is not a reasonable solution to the problem.

What we have in the forums are a lot of people with outrageous opinions, most keep them to theirselves or only discuss them in their own circles and others do what would be considered political or social suicide by throwing their controversial or outright harmful opinions at everyone.


I’d love to see all the posts people hiding behind anon chars put up tied to the public Bnet account. Let’s see some accountability.


I’d say the majority of players need therapy since they have the most negative mindset on almost anything.

Uh…oh… erm…

I like turtles


Are turtles therapeutic? I’m going to have to look that one up.

i wouldnt say all that but i think some ppl need to step away from the keyboard sometimes


For mental health sake, absolutely. Therapy helps.

They can be.

I like watching the turtle tank live streams. They are very calming.


Turtles might not be but cats are.