Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?

Alexandria wished that it had as much crucial and interesting finds as the WoW forums have. It truly would be a great loss.

To me, wanting to get rid of all the history obtained here would be similar to certain political parties from the late 30s wishing to burn books.

Confused fox noises

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They seek to hide reality and history from those around us and those to come

They wish to see the flames consume the forums and all the information it built over the years, because they fear it and ruins their new ideology they wish to push


Sorry fuzz,


Oh it’s all good. Ty for the info! <3

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No worries, always happy to be helpful

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To be fair, that was more of a defunding situation (yes I actually found a breakdown of its history), but that’s besides the point. To wipe the forums would be akin to lighting the Library aflame.

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I disagree. The measure of how constructive non-verbal communication is in a conversation, is purely subjective to each individual. While my text based responses may be directed at replying to your arguments and your thoughts, I know there is a wider audience reading our discussion. What we author on these forums goes to everyone, not just a sole individual.

Here’s a working example of a non-topic gif being useful: The original topic of this conversation is not about how hard I roll my eyes when I read your responses; and yet, an eyeroll gif is a useful tool to convey my feelings. While the gif is off topic (technically speaking) and not constructive to you personally, it IS constructive to the rest of the audience who genuinely resound and understand the feeling the image conveys. The image can elicit greater emotional investment in two things: The tone of the conversation (anger, sillyness, sadness, frustration), and the thought patterns and feelings of the author making the gif post.

You might categorize it as unnecessary noise or distraction on your own definition or merit. However, others besides you may identify and empathize with it’s meaning and have access to greater depth of this conversation. Particularly if they feel the same way or see their own feelings portrayed in the image.

The off topic gif has thus created a constructive emotional understanding and relationship to the wider audience. It’s constructive output is that others feel seen/heard/understood or even of the same mind.


I think there can be value in allowing people to comment under old posts, but only if those posts are actually worthwhile. If for example a bug that was supposed to have been dealt with several years ago has reappeared can bring needed attention to it.

But most of the necros are usually insanely worthless.


We all know you’d be up there if you didn’t keep doing what you’re doing

Eh kipparo?


Reply to the wrong person?

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Well, you’re the only person who that response would make sense to

So no

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Okay, so you just needed another post to join the 20k club. lol

Nah, you know that I know that you know that I know that you know what I’m talking about

It really doesn’t take a lot of posts to get to TL3 I’m only at 279 actually 280 when I hit reply…

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The only thing that I know is that you’ve spent 72 days of your life on the forum so far. Bravo.

It’s interesting info that is available on your profile. :slight_smile:


Thanks Kip, I’m also aware of the public information on my public profile

I’m not someone who needs to hide things

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Kip and kiparro must be the new teenage trendy word? I’m too old to follow you.

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On the inverse, there are trolls that wear their status of being frequently banned, ignored, or hated as a badge of honor.


It’s not any slang that I’m aware of

Also don’t act like you’ve never heard of buckaroo, just replaced the first thing with Kip