Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?

but let’s work on reducing that, yes? a forum wipe will help solve the issue of necro’d posts.

It’s hard to believe. How old and long is the Guild Permission threads?!?!

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Nope. Better to keep all the old posts around. That way people can look up all the good information that is on the forums. Better to have a few Necro’d threads than to have a ton of Lost Post History.


I have been reluctant to post in this thread because we beat the heck out of the dead horse in that last one. I don’t believe a forum wipe is in the best interest of the game. This comment above explains why and having an account wide ignore is important. Sometimes it’s just better to not hear from some players that are doing nothing but poisoning the pot for the sake of poisoning it.


Forums should never be wiped. They are repositories for essential information that have been lost as so many services move to applications like discord.

What should happen is there should be a much stricter suspension handed out for unnecessary necros.


Or just lock the thread after 30 45 or 60 days like the EU forum.


Seems fair enough

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yes need one account to post on. make ignore more easy. actually have mods active without the need of reports to do their job for them. either make the forums a great place to discuss the game or do away with them like other companies have done

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Yes we indeed do.

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Out of curiosity, what companies got rid of their forums? If that’s what you meant that is. :slight_smile:

They’re probably referring to Riot.

Oh got you ty. I googled “game companies that shut down their forums” and it just brought up some “are game forums becoming obsolete?” articles so figured I would ask :slight_smile:

i would love to have the tribunal on here.
it’ll be so wild lol

Amazon got rid of the Lost Ark forums.

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Oh interesting.

I know you’re probably being silly but having the “this week in wow” forum posts be a actual like, news article thing for the forum on the front page would be pretty cool.

To be fair, Amazon has all but gotten rid of Lost Ark.

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I know. I am just in denial. I was a founder for US release. :frowning:

Someone have the meme/picture of Bezos, as the grim reaper, killing games handy?

It’d be like burning the library of alexandria


The what now

We need a troll wipe more than a forum wipe. Especially those who like to just barely flirt with skirting the rules over and over on purpose just to be annoying, and well…a troll.