Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?

I don’t think a forum wipe would solve much, unless everyone was basically assigned randomized names and like… couldn’t tell anyone who they were before which just seems silly and wouldn’t be good for many.

I would say the reason why so many threads end up stagnant and not going anywhere is half the time it’s always the same people in each one. So to fix things you’d need more people posting on the forums, and fresh posters which means making things better for people that decide to post here. Now there’s a LOT of volatility towards people with low post count especially if they bring up a topic already brought up before.

A lot actually call it ‘spam’ by bringing up a topic that was discussed before, even if it’s more than a month old before it was talked about. So that would have to be dealt with to stop people from being rude/toxic towards things like that.

There’s some that have a really bad tone from their first post into a thread, especially if it’s made by someone they don’t like, so when it occurs something like that would need to be solved in some way.

Some more features for the forums would be nice, a lot of forums have things like DMs (Which could work, if done right with things like ‘message requests’ and the ability to turn them off/default off.) The ability to add friends, and what not would be nice.

Some real modding, notes for flags, a ticket system for the forums (Atm you really can’t make a ticket for the forums).

Not sure what else would really improve the forums as a whole off the top of my head, but my brain is a bit frazzled at the moment.

Edit: Ah! Being able to post from inside the game onto the forums would be awesome, some sort of forum integration.

that would probably be a good idea - wipe the current forums and start over with a randomized naming system…

i think that would be fantastic!

People’s trust level 3s and thousands upon thousands of post counts wiped out.

It would be like the Death Star wiping out Alderaan.

No need to worry, account wide ignores and battle tags are on the way, it just takes time to implement them :slight_smile:

Though, I’m sure people will still make threads like these to complain because they don’t like the idea. Oh well.

OP has mostly been ignored by most of the people in the account wide ignore thread, so I guess they wanted to make their own to get attention :dracthyr_shrug:

Facts. I’m still trying to GET to three. If my progress got wiped now, I’d quit :dracthyr_lulmao:


A forum wipe doesn’t seem necessary unless Blizzard would be changing how the forums work fundamentally, such as having posters with their battletags rather than their character names, or changing how trust levels work, perhaps allowing more people to post links/images without the absurd requirements of Trust Level III. Even then, that’s assuming the changes would be drastic enough to wipe the slate clean and start over.

I do think the original wipe when they changed from the old to the new forums was good for the community at the time in general. People seemed encouraged to post more in good faith at first. It wore off after a while, of course, but still seemed to do some initial good.


How would that help? People will feed the trolls and get going on the subject (guilty of that myself) and ignore normal subjects with a potential for a good discourse. Btags are necessary. Also I’ve got bookmarks that have answers and help to in-game solutions. I can’t be the only one that does that. T3 people can’t lose that grind either.


btags are not necessary for these forums…

no one wants their private information to be displayed under their character name on the forums.

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I really need to start doing this. I’ll remember a post from Vrak that answers someone’s question and I spend ages searching but can never find it :sweat:


Okay :woman_shrugging:

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And? You really need to stop following these topics and stay on the other one if you’re going to follow those who don’t like your ideas into their thread and derail…AGAIN. This has nothing to do with b-tags.


Because OP is mad about the reputation he’s earned for trolling and being generally unproductive in any previous forum improvement threads, including the one that already existed.


Nah. Wiping discussion boards is awful.

If the forum needs any change, it’s just tying battletags to our posts. If it’s possible to do that while still selecting a character to use as a profile/armory link, cool. If it means doing away with character-specific posting, oh well & so be it.

I do also agree with bringing back Dislikes. Removing them is always a mistake. On other platforms too.


I’m astonished! Something I can agree with from the OP.

i dont think that is the case, no.

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Interesting leap, as I haven’t seen anyone suggest anything about private information.


It’s them… do you expect anything less?


also OP didn’t mention btags but someone felt the need to bring them up as well.


Its hilarious how its the same like 10 posters arguing with each other across like 10 threads at this point :rofl:


Crazy ain’t it? :stuck_out_tongue:


That’s their job. It literally provides them with job security.

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