Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?

I feel you and it’s longer for me because it’s October for me, lol. :broken_heart: :broken_heart: :broken_heart:


I wish the moderation would target the real troublemakers instead of letting them run rampant.


I’m right there with you, however at the same time although I miss my GIF posting ability I don’t regret what I said or why I said it so. :yum: :yum: :yum:


thank you but i would prefer to hear that from an official blizzard source before attempting it as a troubleshooting procedure.

We should start by removing all posts/traces of allowing every race to be every class, anything that pushes this factionless narrative forward, and anything to do with helfs, dark rangers, velfs, and nelfs.

How do you tell how long it will take ?

Sometimes the truth needs to be brutal

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yeah well…


Everyone I’ve ever met has ended up disappointed in me, what’s your point? :dracthyr_lulmao:

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what did you say? i want to know. tell me tell me tell me.

I’m j/king.

Apperantly it is 6 months from the last suspension, but the CS are unsure whether it is from the start or the end, since my last action was 3 months long, so I am thinking it is August.

Idk how it works but I’ve given up trying a long time ago. I’d rather post YouTube links to heavy metal songs than I would cute cat gifs, although we could always use cute cat gifs.

I like their little meows and their little paws and their little whiskers. They always inject a sort of feel good vibe to a thread no matter how hectic it gets.

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You called?


Have to end this here, my post was removed by staff because of “trolling” WOW…

How? Not only is the forum mostly just troll and people chasing likes, but the few decent posts that answer questions would be gone. So when people google WoW topics searching for answers they would get far less options to research.

And, even if they did do a reset with a swap to a new account wide naming scheme, regulars would be able to tell (or at least have a pretty good idea) who is who under both systems, as people don’t change their behavior, even when it gives them a reputation they don’t like.

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but many people already complain that there are too many “old” threads and they get upset when people post in the older threads.

so a forum wipe would also help with the problem of “necroing” that many people here enjoy.

remove all posts and then there will be no old posts for people to necro.

Yeah… No… There will always be posts to necro. That’s just how it works…

How else can people play a necromancer? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Play a different game? I prefer Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2nd edition for all my Necromancer needs :slight_smile: