Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?

i would like to see all images/videos/etc. removed from a player’s ability to post here on the forums.

should players need some sort of technical assistance, they can go to the tech support forums and get their help from blizzard employees there…

should there be any need for images to assist players with their technical support, blizzard can post them.

to use whatever images you post to assist with technical support as an example - they are not certified by blizzard to be official sources of troubleshooting and could end up making their problem worse.

i think that sort of technical support is best left to official blizzard resources.

While I agree that having a lack of privilege to post links is annoying I can sorta understand why we have it.

I’ve been on gd so long I’ve seen people speedrun a permaban by using their trust level to post links to actual prohibited content.

The system is essentially there to help prevent that from being as widespread as it could have been. The idea being that if a smaller number of people have the privilege to post links, the easier it is to moderate when those people violate the rules.


if it’s enough of a problem that they have to design an entire trust level system for it, why not just remove the ability to post links and gifs/images/videos entirely?

You can still post a link using ` on either side of it.

Trust level is necessary because trolls are far less likely to put in the work needed to reach T3 or maintain it. If everyone had the ability to post images, you know there would be bad things posted constantly and, with how long it takes mods to get to stuff sometimes, it can be very damaging.

The pros far outweigh the cons.


Which wouldn’t probably happen, considering with how they behave on the forums.


this is exactly why i am saying that forum users as a whole should not have the privilege to post links/videos/images/gifs.

I think if it’s linked, you can still see it. I’m not 3 and I can’t post there but I can view it through your link :eyes:

I can’t wait to earn my TL3 back though. Can you?

No, wouldn’t be able to view it. Need TL3 to actually view the thread, let alone, the sub-forums.


This will be my first time with 3 so I’m excited :smiley:


I remember when the first forums were closed. :frowning:
I did not enjoy that.
I don’t like change.

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I honestly still don’t understand, even after the cited logic, why posters altogether need to be stripped of the ability to post embedded media. The current system helps prevent abuse by requiring a significant investiture of time and effort to gain that functionality, and if someone oversteps and posts inappropriate content, often it’s quickly flagged.

Heck, I’m now confused over the tech support stuff. Players helping players through technical issues is pretty much a time-honored tradition, and there’s a wealth of knowledge accumulated over the years regarding troubleshooting various issues - connection drops, UI bugs, etc.


the harm outweighs the benefit. if someone posts an inappropriate link that does alot of harm.

i think that sort of trouble shooting is best left for official blizzard employees - as it reduces the likelihood that someone on the forums would post the wrong advice and someone’s computer becomes harmed.

Do I have it??

EDIT: Omfg I’m cool now


Okay, so there’s a set of three commands I typically suggest someone run on an administrator command line in Windows if they’re experiencing connection faults overall. One flushes the DNS resolver cache, allowing it to be rebuilt; the other two, in concert, just tell your computer to request a new dynamic IP from the router. I tend to defer when things don’t resolve after that, but those commands don’t inherently break anything - they’re just part of connectivity troubleshooting from what I’ve known since Windows XP.

Whatever “damage” those commands cause is addressed often on a restart (usually with the DNS cache); the IP lease is almost immediate, give or take a minute.

but it would be much safer to just leave that advice and work to official blizzard employees - sure, maybe you think that those commands aren’t capable of doing any harm to someone’s computer, but you can’t be entirely sure.


Ugh, I have to wait till August till I get mine back



Except they cause no damage. Ipconfig /release forces expiry of your leased dynamic IP; the /renew switch for the same command requests a new dynamic IP lease (and sometimes a new dynamic IP), and /flushdns just clears your computer’s DNS resolver cache, which makes it rebuild that same cache to help address possibly corrupted DNS data stored locally (example being a case where you’re not resolving a domain successfully for some reason, but it works on attempt to browse via other devices).

Source: These are standard Windows command-line executables for network troubleshooting. They’re used with only themselves as arguments, and do a predefined task. They do not break anything themselves.



Will you kindly not broom me. I don’t need a broom. I’m not a witch… yet!