Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?

me too but i do get tired of ppl jumping all the time

i REFUSE to stop jumping.

Well they’re not gonna just come out and say “yeah, I enjoy alt-hopping and trolling, so I think this is a bad idea.”

That’s the problem with an open forum where the problem causers can just do the stuff people are trying to eliminate and end up getting the threads closed.


Might as well jump , go ahead and jump

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lol as long as it’s not on me, it just tiring trying
to talk and ppl act rude or call me names all the time

If people are acting rude and calling you names, stop trying to interact with them because they probably won’t change.

Just ignore them and move on. It’s better for your sanity.

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The arguments typically associated with the ones that tend to say no to things such as being able to ignore an account or a character tend to focus on things that do not really exist or that conflict with things otherwise granted.

Examples are the argument of “freedom of speech” (twofold, because in the US, it only prevents the government from restricting speech, and a private entity need not apply it to their spaces) and the argument of a so-called fresh start (which is not an inherent right, and can conflict with one’s freedom of association).

This citation is included just to add more to your point, and not say you forgot to include it or anything.

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this does not conflict with anyone’s freedom of association - should there be a wipe of the forum, you would not be prevented from associating with anyone should you choose.


It would change nothing. WoW forums are just like any other useless social media platform. People like hunting, and trolls.

The most constructive kind of threads are the ones that have nothing to do with the game, like what music people are into type threads.

That was not what I was referencing this time around, it was the most common argument against expansion of ignores. Next time, take a look at what I’m referencing in connection to my argument: in this case, “things such as being able to ignore an account or a character tend to focus on things that do not really exist or that conflict with things otherwise granted.”

My expanded point is that, more often than not, those making the argument against cited and supported fixes or improvements tend to use arguments that do not accurately contend.

Nowhere did I specifically say that a forum wipe would impact freedom of association. And I’m on the record a good few times stating that at this point, there’s no well-documented reason for a wipe. Wipes usually follow a migration to a new database frontend/backend, often due to database incompatibility between systems.


In either case a soft reset might do the overall forum some good.

Perhaps put some tighter controls in place to reign in the chaos, though Blizzard might have a different view on it all together as our views on it are highly influenced by subjective experiences.

Wiping a forum just for the sake of wiping it seems counter-productive. :dracthyr_tea:


Good way to wipe out ones post history if it’s becoming problematic.


You’d have to ask the centaur himself.

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I definitely noticed a certain post some time ago about fulfilling some kind of accomplishment. It was vague enough and could have been talking about accomplishing something in game, or perhaps accomplishing getting a thread locked down. No idea which correlation I should draw but forum drama never ceases to disappoint. Don’t think I didn’t notice that by the way lol

On the topic of forum purge, reason why it’s counter productive is simple.

You essentially invite people to talk and engage with the community while simultaneously purging it because you object to the things being discussed. Its like saying one thing while doing the opposite

I’d have no problem if people I have on ignore had their post history removed , just as long as they stay in my ignore box and I get an option to ignore their entire account too.

I have created GIFs that are used 1. to show how to use a certain add-on effectively or 2. to show the visual effects of enabling and disabling certain CVARs in the game, the changes of which are better explained by motion than with still images (and where short-length is preferable to the flow of the conversation versus longer-length actual videos. These are in a thread related to player-created screenshots, where these tips can help players create more interesting screenshots by use of functionality not exposed at the standard user-interface level. Sometimes static images work well enough for explaining such things; sometimes something with motion works much better.

One such example follows:

However, the thread I am referencing is in the Trust-Level-3-only area, so you will have wait until achieving that level to see it. For me to post it here would likely be construed as non-constructive because the subject matter of these posts and GIFs related to them has everything to do with creation of in-game screenshots and nothing to do with forum changes.

Are only GIFs something that you would like see removed from the forum or would you apply your idea to any static images and videos as well because there are posters here beyond myself that use images and videos to help with various support issues or to post other screenshots from this game in relevant topics.


Many people understand things better visually, too, so if you post a gif to explain things rather than a wall of text, it can help them understand it easier.

Reacting to someone’s opinion also doesn’t come across in text that well, so using visuals (gifs) to convey that emotion can help prevent misunderstandings.

Like when people think you have an attitude when you don’t or they think you’re mad when you’re not just because text doesn’t properly convey emotions.

You can say something jokingly and someone will get offended, thinking you’re serious. If you use a gif reaction, however, they can clearly see it’s a joke and not meant to be taken seriously.

Whether people like it or not, gifs can be quite helpful to communication online.


You think wiping everything is gonna make the “”“trolls”“” go away?

Why not start questioning the garbage forum system and how you have to “maintain” a status in order to post a link or a image?