Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?

Screw that, I got a 4 thousand hectare farm in the heart of New York city.

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Yeah it’s a tatic to get the topic locked. Vrak said he cleaned up spam post and people act like it isn’t against the rules. A mod said it. Not sure what more they want? Ion to tell them?

Don’t reply to that one. All I will say.


To be honest I don’t care if they if they do or do not reset the forums if they go B-Tags or Account wide ignore.

I just care about the ignore and other things such as likes , flags, post count and trust levels being linked to the entire account.

Wiping the forums isn’t a replacement for those things . Giving people a fresh start by wiping the forums isn’t going to change them to a better people.


I just like discussing forum changes and whatever they decide to do they decide to do.

Us chatting can allow them to see whatever feedback, good positive bad worse trolling what have you and how players use the forum functionality already here and how it can effect the future.


Meh, that still looks better than what we have now (people improperly using the report/flag button as a dislike)

With both of them you can still see the underlying post, but with the “use report button as a dislike” meta the mod/staff time is wasted “restoring” posts left and right

Dislike button would be especially useful for “voting” in the Community Council forum, since regular posters can’t post there to agree/disagree with the feedback

Phara suggested hearts and frownie faces as dislikes… somewhere in here.

If it was going to get shut down for people going off topic it would of been closed at the 5K mark . They got enough feed back on the subject to go " Ok we heard you and thanks for the input "

What other similar topics ?
There were no active B-tag threads all of you against btags and now account wide ignore did a good job closing those down . That’s why some one suggested a system with out btags.

But I guess it doesn’t matter none of you want any one to be able to ignore you . I’, guessing you’d prefer they even remove the failed ignore system we currently have.


I respect it and, honestly, it probably won’t ever change. It’s more wishful thinking on my part haha

instead of hearts, cat faces eating tacos

:cat: :taco:


trustmebro . com


I support of cat faces eating tacos. As long as the tacos are not from Taco Bell.

In all honesty, that’s all these threads are at the moment. Just wishful thinking from everyone. And there is nothing wrong with that at all.


It sounds like the troll are becoming glutius maximus sore when they get trolled back and often times better then they do themselves.

Maybe they are realizing they aren’t as good at it as they think they are and are mad because some one to a gif and showed them who was better a trolling .


why are you so against my chosen wedding venue?? they have great deals, ayu, join meeeee

True, but at least the other suggestions have reasons behind them. My cussing one is just “I want this, gimme” :dracthyr_lulmao:

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So I’ve decided to toss my daily support for account wide forum stuff in this thread now.



Nah this thread was made by a person a lot of people have put on ignore this past year .

I think they believe a reset would result in them being automatically being taken off being ignored by other people .


Buy taco, and use bathroom for free? :thinking:

But I want homemade tacos. Not restroom tacos.

We will rent a room above the taco bell and then they will be homemade. Problem solved.

I’m so smart :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


I vote for a forum wipe only if the only things wiped are the current problematic people.

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