Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?

You provided examples, but use them to create a hasty generalization about all GIF posts. You’re rooting this entire argument in logical fallacy.


GIFs and images are fine imo, just depends on the context of when they are used.

I sometimes like to communicate my opinion through a meme or gif, its not like its going to derail the thread just by getting posted.

Since I have TL3 powers back… I will post this on regarding gifs and images wanting to be removed:

I made this to a guildie in classic after getting killed by deathwing because he wanted to do archaelogy


nintendo saw that. prepare to have the lawyers show up at your doorstep this evening.

Only one thing to say there:


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but you could have just written “no” to convey that message.

which then causes one to ask the question “was the gif necessary?” as well as “does that gif distract from the message and create an atmosphere that is non-constructive?”

to the first question i would respond: No, you could have just written ‘no,’ so the gif was not necessary.

to the second question i would respond: Yes, it does create an atmosphere that is non-constructive - the actual picture of the gif - deathwing’s head on mario’s body - is distracting from the point you want to make, which makes the gif not productive: instead of someone looking at your message and seeing ‘no’, they see distracting images.

then you run into the situation where posters are now commenting on the image in your gif instead of the message, which hinders any productive conversation regarding the topic of the OP.

see, this poster commented on your gif’s image and disregarded the message, which is the point of my request to remove gifs from the forum.

then we have another post in response to that.

and finally another post in response to that.

so, as a result of your gif this thread, we saw three non-constructive posts whereas if you had just simply written “no”, the posters would have commented on your message instead of the off-topic image.

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you have provided zero actual evidence for why this needs to be done other than “I dont like it. and I want a fresh start!” all your posts have been is just various logical fallacies, dodging questions and moving goalposts.
there is nothing to really discuss with you because your just basically passive aggressively complaining because people aren’t with you. and when someone DOES refute your claims you immediately backpedal and change the subject.


And their replies and counterpoints, when this is called out, have always instead demanded us to put up our own examples - which is fallacious in and of itself. And there is no reason to adhere to the demands of a post made using fallacy as its root.


Why are you opposed to it when a forum wipe has been done before? Nothing has changed.

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Do you know why they were wiped before?

why does a forum wipe need to happen? until you can answer this question nothing needs to be said.


I’ve yet to see an actual argument as to why a forum database wipe is the only recourse.


Most of you do not care for any other options besides b-tags so it doesn’t matter. You’ll find a way to pick apart my comments no matter what I say unless I am on your side.

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Strawman argument. Please do try again without resorting to attacking.


Where is the attack?

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Your entire prior reply.


That’s not an attack it’s literally what happens. I am not going to fall for that again. You do that and then somehow misconstrue my comments like it’s been done in the other topics. I’ve seen the same lot of posters here in the others one that will just attack me because of whatever reason I say, so hardly likely you’re going to respond in good faith.


A strawman is assuming a view is held by some or all opposing parties, and then attacking that view instead. It is a distraction and deflection, and instead puts people on the defensive for an unrelated point.

Which is exactly what you did.


Forum wipes will be a good thing to get a fresh start, as another poster said, it could be a forum lock and not a complete deletion. I’m for it. Clean slates are alright. Just block and report and posters you think causing a huff after the wipe.

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Like I said it GIFs and images are fine and I dont think they should be removed.

To stick on topic, I dont think a forum wipe is necessary, it wont change anything how people will act, if anything you are still going to still see the same people you have interacted with or have negative experiences with will still be those same people.