Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?

Where have I said it should be removed? Here we go again.

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Forums were only wiped before when the forums were changed themselves

Just doing it for the sake of doing it doesn’t make sense


I ignore people before the wipe. Makes it better.

Thanks for the agreement.

OH also


Not you though, I’m just saying they are fine, you can just safely scroll past and pretend they dont exist :dracthyr_shrug:

but the issue arises when many other posters comment on your gifs instead of the topic at hand, which is what happened to your gif right now.

then you find yourself in a situation where you have to scroll down multiples pages in order to find a constructive post.

Then that’s even better. The forums could use improvements. The same amount of people and regulars would still be here. If a wipe is for a better forum then great, do it.

I was not talking about or to you but alright.

If you’re posting random meme’s into discussions you’re not doing anything by just derailing the topic. No one is talking about in casual conversation, you know this though and trying to dodge it.

Pretty much everyone spouting we need a forum wipe have been vehemently against any changes to the forums people suggested before, except for completely anonymity

Sounds like they just want a worse place IMHO


A condense button wouldn’t be a bad idea though like “don’t display gifs / videos” and it just has the hyper link.

For the sake of readability etc if someone wants something that far. I know a TTS reader it may or may not go nuts with gifs.

I was a part of the old thread and you don’t know, nor do I, why the thread was ultimately locked.

Vrak gave a blue post at the end of it stating why it was closed. (Correction not why it was closed but as a thank you my goof)

Sure it does. Meme can convey feelings and or give some comedic relief.

I think gifs should be expanded on and that option that I stated above would be a good means for readability.

It doesn’t remove them just a hide function in settings is all.

Like “hide comments with gifs” in settings. Problem solved.


That sounds as if it’s an option to hide the entire post. Perhaps it should only do that when the only content of a post is an embed?

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That would work or it changes the gif from an embed to a clickable link instead.

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It’s pretty obvious why even though he said it was gathered. It was the same tired responses and posters acussing each other and then eventually got derailed on it’s own with off-topic comments, which is against the ToS and spam. I’m surprised it was not shut down sooner given the other similar topics.

Sure but not when it has NOTHING to do with the context of the thread. Didn’t Vrakathis say he was combing through gifs and off-topic posts from these threads? It’s not allowed when you’re POSTING it off-topic.

The tone he took was not indicative of a stern or punishing approach to it at all.


We don’t gain anything by doing it and we hide bad behavior from quite a few. An archive maybe, a wipe? No.


Just because you think it is not allowed, doesn’t mean it is not allowed. If you feel a post is violating the Forum Code of Conduct, why is it so hard to report the post and let moderation decide? They are the ones after all who decide on whether the post is actually violating the Code of Conduct. Not you.


No, it wasn’t and I didn’t say it was but if you looked at the final comments it is pretty easy to tell it was pointless to continue that topic.

It isn’t, because Vrak was already deleting posts…So…Yeah?

Nothing suggested this at all from how he closed out the thread.


Then that’s where the filter comes in. Put it on and that’s done it’s just a clickable link and or you hide the whole thing. It’s why I suggested it.

I read it as I read it and you read it as you read it. Ultimately only he knows why and bickering on “well it could or could not mean this” is pointless.

We are in the here and now to discuss forum suggestions (the first suggestion being a wipe) but with the hyphen in there’s room for other suggestions too. Let’s keep it on topic please with that.


Why was he deleting posts about gifs and people going off-topic then? If they were on-topic he wouldn’t be deleting them.

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In this thread currently or which one?

I’ve already said my thoughts to that in which I got:

So you see where I’m going with this? It’s annoying to hold a discussion with these accusations.