Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?

Nuh uh! That’s why.


Always pretty concerning when someone is championing for something and then can’t even answer the simplest question

Makes it sound like they don’t actually know anything around the topic


No it wouldnt

this is something that can be a problem for the forums - people see multiple posters disagree with them and then automatically assume that all of them are the same person.

Guess I’ll open the question for anyone else

Are non-constructive posts being made still?

Only by one person.


Depends on what is actually non-constructive? Because everyone has different takes on what is and isn’t constructive, and even Blizzard can’t give an answer to what would be classed as non-constructive, although they usually look at spam and trolling for that part mostly.

Is that the answer you’re looking for?


I mean its definitely more than 1 person

People discussing random topics in threads, repeating the same messages again and again, or well as you said flat out spam/troll

Those are all pretty commonly accepted topics of non-constructive

I just would like to know as the other person claims a forum wipe would stop them entirely, which is a very bold claim to make


You’re never going to get an answer from that Paladin. They’re just here to troll and harass others. Best to just ignore them to be honest.


So you’re saying they’re a walking example to disprove their own claims about non-constructive posts being stopped?

Boy, wouldn’t that be kind of ironic har har har


Ever wonder why they made such claims, or is against any changes that can improve upon within the forums. They’ve done it yesterday to me.


i believe call outs are another form of non-constructive posts as well in addition to the example of gifs that i discussed earlier.

No names were provided.

Could be that paladin… or that paladin.


The forums seem to be just fine in what I can see so far.

So you just admitted that, in your mind, non-constructive posts are still being made

So it makes no sense to do a wipe since theyre still being made after the threads you “called out” were deleted

Thanks for confirming this would be a waste of time


i believe posting a screenshot with names would be an example.

I see no screenshot

Are you well?


Do what now?

Are you referring to the comment WAAAAY up in the thread that was done and over with?

Also that was a druid… not a pally.

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i was just providing an example of a non-constructive post.

You didn’t provide anything except drudge up an old topic that was settled.

IF you found it against forum COC report it. Don’t dredge something back up that’s not part of the current conversation.