Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?

"I agree, but I can’t tell you why I just do"arguments.


“The source is there go look it up” argument.


God I hate that. I tried looking it up. If it was available I would have found it.


THe irony of it all is in that thread or Btag threads everyone in support would post their sources of why the ideas would work without being asked and those against would never do so and when asked to do so would deflect on some tangent or like you said look it up yourself.

I have no problem debating people that want to have an honest open discussion but people like that after awhile go into my ignore box because they faker then silicone chest inplants.


if the gif is offtopic, then it would be categorized as a non-constructive post.

You should be able to see how many people have ignored someone, the number should be in the corner of the character portrait.

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So what was the logic, or lack thereof, for just wiping the forums?

They’ve really only done it when changing the software so I would like to see the reasoning behind just doing because of… reasons?

the idea behind wiping the forums is that there are non-constructive posts and a clean slate would help reduce that.

Forums wiped, one account connected to in game account, subscription required. Penalties applied from forums apply to in game.

Problem solved.

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And then more would be made

That doesn’t really “reduce it” if it just gets rid of everything

there is no evidence of that, though.

You know I’m not sure.

Although with the section being hyphenated, we can discuss the “Forum changes” part without the second half… technically.

The second half after the hyphen expands on the topic. Anyway I don’t think, at this point, just having a pure wipe would do anything.


Are more being made now?

Happy Sunday Butt Fuzz /coffeecheers


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Happy Sunday! :smiley:


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some of the really big non-constructive threads have been locked.

That isn’t an answer to my question

Are more non-constructive posts being made?


it is the answer that i supplied. that is all that needs to be said.

Some people have an overwhelming need to erase their past.


You answered a different question

I asked if more non-constructive posts are being made

That is a yes or no question, why can’t you give a proper response to a very simply question?


personally i think that the best route to take here would be to allow everyone to have the option that they prefer:

  1. If you want to post on your btag, then you can post on your btag: that’s a win for people who want btags

but, at the same time, give others the option:

  1. If you don’t want to post on your btag, then you choose to not display your btag and still post on your character avatar, same as we do now.

This seems like the best option because it allows people to post from their btag should they choose while the people who are not comfortable sharing their private information on the forums can opt-out of the btag sharing and simply post from their character.