Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?


Gotta have some comedic relief in discussions. :stuck_out_tongue:


yeah, that’s the problem that i find with gifs is that they distract from the conversation at hand, they are usually off-topic.

I exist only to bring tacos to the forums and make people smile. I will not give that up :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

Just you wait. Once I reach 3, I will make EVERY one smile with cat gifs!!


oh you did not just.

There’s literally a topic that was given an automatic part 3 by the system because it post capped, and multiple topics that were given an automatic part 2.

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hmm not sure how to respond to that.

Did the moderator actually specifically describe the who, what, and why of that thread being locked? I’d love to read that. You got the link handy, by chance?


They do not. This is what Vrak said:


and the last dozen posts were off topic
not hard to put 2 and 2 here. it ran it’s course

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Sometimes gifs are just a way for others to give a virtual nod to posters that their thoughts are being read/attended to. They don’t have to signify anything more than, “I see/hear/read what you wrote and acknowledge you.”

Even if they’re off topic, they’re a validation that others are engaging and reflecting on what’s been said. The value of contribution to the conversation is a social gesture equivalent to a shrug, a snicker, a wink, or a smile, a wince; all of which are nonverbal cues that add depth to human communication. When taken in context of the larger system of forum dynamics, we utilize them as an extension of mood, body language and tone that text otherwise fails to convey.

Yes. Some people constantly snickering can be distracting to a select set of the population. To those who utilize it often, it’s just another subtle exercise in nonverbal interaction.



Forums aren’t that bad, lots of toxic career victims and punks who spam report everything, and who claim everyone who doesn’t agree with them is trolling. IMO just leave it be, forums are fine for normal sane people who can have discussions and not worry about nut jobs.

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It would help. I’m constantly running into the same toxic trolls I’ve blocked on half a dozen characters. Once they realize they’ve been blocked and I’ve stopped responding to them they just make a new character and I have to eventually come to the realization that it’s the same guy I blocked already.

Btags or account wide blocks would be great. These forums are terrible and Blizzard employees have admitted as much. Moderation should also be a lot more heavy handed.


It would also be nice to be able to post as a btag only, to avoid what happened to Ayukama last night.


Kinda like how you are always gonna buy normal raid carries, the wow forums will always be a toxic whine fest

i have literally had my posts removed because people mass report me when i post for “trolling” when i am genuinely not trolling and wanting to have discussions about random WoW topics

current forums are genuinely horrible and so are the ppl who are “moderating” it

dont like what you have to say = report & remove

It could be the centaur has seen enough and some of the conversations were repeated, because no one wanted to read the thread.

It’s a :+1: that the centaur acknowledged it and we’ll hopefully see some positive changes.

It looked liked it dissolved a little though.


The forums aren’t stable?

I disagree, 99% of reports are done over offensive content, Off subject IRL garbage, sheer trolling and hate inspired rants.