Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?

ya ppl are bein disingenuous rn. the gifs are fine its ppl just talking abt nonsense.
go look back at the aw topic, ppl went off the rails and it got locked. gifs/offtopic chatters.
i just find the whole song n dance funny bc the ones who thought were going
to get it locked (me and some others) were the ones who got it locked themselves

the ending couldnt be any better bc its been a funny 2 yrs of all this
they also tried to go back and flag posts even post lock lol.

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Yeah I don’t know if it’s a bug or what, but it keeps happening :dracthyr_shrug: Not every single time, but frequently. I’ll be reading through a thread and see their posts and be like, “wait why are you here?” lol

I’ll also sometimes get notifications that someone has replied to me and when I click on it, the post is hidden because they’re ignored.

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I’m literally talking on topic right now about ignores for the forum not working.

A feature of the forums. I gave suggestions that if we were to have a wipe, we rework the forums in an overhaul with different features etc. I suggested to have gifs accessible as one of the overhaul suggestions.


yeah i meant in response to mad saying how gifs are ok as long as theyre on-topic
but a lot of the times it just goes all over the place.

the only time i was personally like “just please derail this thread” was t-squad groups
but im not gonna summon them lol

dont worry. he’s already returned.

Which the gifs can or can’t it’s all up to players and sometimes the gifs convey a good message etc.

Now a “readability filter” that can hide or shrink gifs maybe just so chat is more condensed maybe but it’s ultimately up to the situation at hand.

Waggle thread? All the gifs. Here? Eh… maybe some but toned back a little bit so it doesn’t get too spammy.


I don’t think Vrak would have thanked everyone for their suggestions if he locked it because of spam. He would have just locked it without a word, like he did with every single other thread.

It was nearly 18k replies and has been going for a while. It was probably getting hard to keep an eye on or they are looking into the suggestions and getting ready to change the forums.

The fact that it stayed open as long as it did should say something. Much longer than all the other threads.


i think it’s because it was one of the original threads abt btags/accounts thats been goin
on for so long that they got most of the feedback and stuff from there…

but if it were me
i’d lock it simply bc it was getting derailed, people were still making accusations and i’d be damn tired of getting notifs with quotes pulled 6 gazillion times posted in that thread. he already said he was cleaning up nelfas thread so can u imagine that one? lol. it just stopped being productive at the end.

thats true but sometimes it kinda ruins the discussions bc it doesnt
seem like the person talking doesnt really want to say anything so they post a gif.
like i said, the lounges n stuff for that is fine its topic like these ppl shouldnt do it.

Oh if I had the ability to post gifs I would be posting all kinds of gifs to convey my feelings.

Sometimes how I feel is the “a picture says a 1000 words” well an animated one should say a whole lot then! XD


That’s how I feel. Sometimes I don’t know how to express myself with words but there’s a perfect gif that displays exactly how I feel.

If they didn’t want gifs to be posted in certain places, they wouldn’t allow it and the fact that some people think it’s inappropriate is just ridiculous lol


well i never said it’s inappropriate just sometimes it doesnt do much for the topic so its at risk

I think the bigger risk is the “nuh uh!” kind of arguments where someone just goes “Nuh uh!” over and over and over REGARDLESS of what is posted…

Or the thing of people attempting to try and have a conversation but you get the “I have sources” yet there’s no source other than “trust me bro” and it’s like ??? Just link the thing.

Like that was a big one in one of Nelth or Nelf or however you spell their name’s threads along with just blatant trolling that happened from all sides.


I’ll take gifs over people spreading misinformation without any proof and people playing the victim any day.

Besides, a nicely placed gif can defuse tension and help cool heads. I’ve been heated a few times only for Kent or someone to post a cute cat gif and then I’m able to calm down.

The pros heavily outweigh the cons, especially compared to all the other BS that usually goes down in threads like these.


i feel that taco gifs are inappropriate on these forums.

nuh uh nuh uh!

Dang it bread.

Well we found the heretic :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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now i shall turn into a sprinkler and spray cheese biscuits everywhere.
pssh psssh psssh psssh.

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Fixed it, you’re welcome

its on.