Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?

That’d be great, especially if it were account-wide. Just ignore some irritating individual and never have to interact with them again, either on the forums or in-game.


What need is to forbid all retail players from posting on the retail forum and all classic players to be forbidden from posting in the classic forum. Thus we can only make suggestions on the game we arent currently playing and slowly classic will become retail and retail will become classic.

Why would we do this?

I don’t know, I didn’t think that far into this plan.

I honestly don’t have them figured out, but I have a friend who uses them.

They’re a form of expression that’s fine as long as it’s used in the right context.

For the purposes of these forums it depends on what information is being conveyed.

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I think this is a response to the Account wide ignore thread that was up for months ad got up to over 16K responses .

Was just recently closed and a community manger thanked everyone for their input so who knows some changes could be on the way .


Report and ignore. Just do it. The orcs didn’t even want their lumpy soft-skull for the Path of Glory so they are making it everyone else’s problem. Engaging with them only makes it worse.


Difference is D3 , D4, Overwatch and Hearthstone don’t have paid subscriptions in order to make new accounts to post ,WoW does.

So the question is ( and this would depend on account wide ignores happening) . Would it be worth the financial cost over time to keep making new accounts and monthly subs to continue troling when it would take more time to create said accounts then it would for someone to ignore it?


i mean if said troll has plenty of disposable income…

I honestly hate it because you can TELL it’s fake. They’re trying to be passive aggressive and get under your skin. It’s really gross.

Like, at least have the decency to be honest and say what you really mean instead of pretending to be nice and polite. That train has left the station ages ago.

I’m tired of getting notifications about them responding to me, too.

It’s also gross that they somehow think they “won” something just because the account wide got closed. Like, so what? Doesn’t mean a thing.

If anything, they did it because it was getting so long and hard to manage.


Again, to be the voice of reason, report and ignore.


I did that ages ago, but I still see their posts sometimes and I always get notifications from them.


tacos are gross. sorry this has to be said.

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In the early years when we basically had our username as our forum name we also had signatures, people were willing to actually discuss issues and ideas rather than mindlessly flag/report things they disagreed with, no politics trolls or pushing of political agendas, folks posting interesting stuff including lots of theorycrafting, people willing to help others with questions instead of just roasting them or saying “git gud,” and last but not least we had active involvement from blizz CMs and even designers like Ghostcrawler.

Essentially it was a good time to be on the wow forums.

lol if you think people didnt mindlessly mash the report button. you just werent shown it. the old wrath forums were filled with biased mods who would ban people they didnt like. and no most of the threads back then were similar or worse than they are now.

I really doubt you were there, or you were extremely young and maybe unable to enjoy the intelligent side of the forums then. The fact that blizz designers were posting then says a lot.

If you set them as ignore, you would not get any post notifications from them. And the same goes for if they try and you troll you in the game, right click report. They seem to only reply to or try and message people that they know they can annoy by doing so.

Only way to kill a troll without getting in trouble is to simply starve them from attention. (Or find them in Warmode or a BG/Arena match)

im the same breadisfunny as was back then on the old classic wrath/bc forums. try again.
at least back then you didnt have a report limit. the only indication you got that your post was reported was a greyed biohazard by it on the right corner of the post.

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Forums are broken sometimes with the ignore least for me.

Sometimes I get notifications for people I have on ignore or it just flat out displays / removes them from my list.

I found I have to add them on MOBILE for it to stick!


yeah i would agree. if gifs are somehow used in a way that is on-topic, they can be permissible but not if they are just kind of used in a non-constructive manner.

Strange, I know I have had people I had on ignore try and respond to me before but I would not receive a notification, and while on mobile I don’t even see their posts at all unless I refresh the page for it to put the there is a hidden message here bar in.

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Yeah desktop it can act weird. Lately though it hasn’t been doing it a whole lot so there is at least that.