Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?

It’s much more than that.

You forgot to factor in the Classic characters dislikes.

65 retail and 50 classic.

Or just have infinite just by creating and deleting characters.


I have to agree with Myzrym here. What actually would class as an inapropiate gif would be something that would be considered as something that does violate the Forum Code of Conduct. An example would be posting a gif of something a long the line of adult content. Though that is just one example, there is plenty of examples out there. But a gif that someone may disagree with does not exactly mean an inappropriate gif.

You need to stop misquoting post from Vrak or any of the Blizzard support agents. When he says “posting certain gifs”, he doesn’t give a clear definition. But the stuff in relation to the gif’s that does get remove would mostly be stuff that would violate the Forum Code of Conduct, or would be just inappropriate in general to the forums.

I don’t think people posting gif’s are the reason why the account wide ignore thread got locked. There could be a number of reasons actually, but highly doubt people posting gif links would be the reason.


The forums would melt down.



Edit: No freakin’ way. I wonder how many years its going to be before that thread goes forgotten.

It is certainly looking look more would have to be done beyond a simple forum wipe, if reducing the amount of trolling is the goal.

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If dislikes came back, should they even be visible to other posters? Or, is it healthier for the community if only showed to 1. the person doing the disliking and 2. the poster (but only the total dislikes, not a list of who disliked, unlike with :blue_heart: likes). This way, those who do not like a post still get the satisfaction of disliking the post but only the original person who made the post knows how many dislikes :frowning_face: they have received, and also neither the original poster nor anyone else knows who all disliked a post to help mitigate retaliatory disliking which may lead right back to unneeded/false reporting.

Something like this:
Before you dislike a post, it looks like this to you:

Then, after you dislike, it still looks like the above to other posters, but to you, the disliker, it looks like this (with no dislike count…just that YOU disliked it:

To the person that made the post, they might be able to see how many times their post had been disliked, but they don’t know who did the disliking:

I’m not sure if showing total number of dislikes to anyone but the creator of the post is beneficial to the health of the forums. If dislikes are to give someone a chance to show dissatisfaction with a post instead of using a not-really-needed moderation report, then should just showing to only the disliker and the post creator that a dislike has been registered enough? I’m afraid that showing number of dislikes to everyone else besides just the post creator and the person that disliked the post, well, would result in dislike brigading. Sure, since in this scenario, dislikes do not lead to any hiding of posts, it’s not as serious of a issue as in the past. But, if we are wanting the forums to be a more positive place, then disliking something because someone else (or lots of someones) disliked it may make the forums feel even more volatile.

Personally, I could be okay with either way: showing total dislikes to everyone or hiding them to everyone but the original poster but showing just our 1 personal dislike to those doing the disliking. It’s better than unneeded/false reporting either way, but I’m only for dislikes if they do not hide posts.

And, 100% do not want threads having the posts listed in any order but chronological. No most likes at the top and most dislikes at the bottom or vice versa. For me, linear chronological flow of posts is one of the best advantages of forums over things like reddit: I have a hard enough time parsing through things in historical order, and non-chronological order is very hard for me to follow.

As for the topic of forum wipes…I’m okay with it if it really fixed the issues of trolling, sock-puppetting, and lack of account-wide functionality. A reset of posts etc would not be fun, but I would be okay with it. But, I would like it if they took all of the current posts and topics and locked them but archived them as well so that the information in them is available in the future.


What’s wrong with it?

As long as I don’t lose my TL.

They should show who disliked and limit the number of dislikes a day.

:smiley: it is 2024 dislikes offend people so we can’t have them anymore.

exactly, which is why i said that posting a gif that is not productive or constructive to the conversation of the topic would be against the code of conduct as it falls under the definition of “trolling and spam”

Spamming or Trolling

This category includes:

  • Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish
  • Creating threads for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums
  • Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters
  • Making non-constructive posts
  • Abusing the Reported Post feature by sending false alarms or nonsensical messages
  • Numbering a thread, IBTL, TLDR, or any other fad statements

i would like to call a special attention to the statement:

Making non-constructive posts

thus posting any gifs that are not constructive would be against the forum code of conduct.

this is why i really agree with the OP’s suggestion that the forums receive a full wipe - then re-institute the new forum that does not allow people to post gifs or images.

thank you have a lovely day.

Oh no, the fun police brought out the rulebook.


Ehh I’m not against it nor for it.

Like having a fresh start would be fine but imo it depends on the individual in question if they want to be a troll and or douchebag or not.

What comes with a wipe means that alot of useful information could be deleted, I know the solution could be just making an archive.

To keep it short (I’m on mobile) I would personally like to see the numbers BUT not who liked or disliked something.

This forum is one of the only ones where yoi could see who does like something and I have seen it go in negative ways.

“You liked this bla bla bla” and it just derails the discussion. You know what I mean? I like your example concepts and those are fantastic.


I know there is a lot of trash on these forums but flushing all of it down the toilet would also flush all the good information and even memories (like it did with the old forums) as well.

So no. I’m sorry, don’t agree with this fix.


I’m out of likes but here is a cookie.


carefully smells cookie then eats it delightfully

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This is what it used to look like:

I don’t remember if you could see who liked or disliked a post.

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Oh man how did you get that?!

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Did you just created a new alt to message me your trolling in game? Seriously, Khrog!