Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?

i think the postin of gifs is general fine its when ppl are discussin things and ppl
suddenly post unrelated gifs to it and it keeps spiraling.
a few are doing it now and im pretty sure bc ppl are consistently going off topic on these “forum suggested” threads is the same reason the acc wide got canned.
if u wanna post abt ponies and tacos then go to one of the lounges lol

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SSDD. It would just turn into the normal amount of arguing and bickering it’s turned into. I’ve been here long enough to remember when we used to mostly get along.

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It’s very convenient that the same folks who stuff like btags and account wide ignores would address always blast those threads with stuff to derail and get them closed.


Uh I actually said for us to get back on topic and partially agreed with Ard in a way.

It was more so that if we got that then there is wiggle room for other improvements with the forum. Afterall if we are going back to 0 we might as well rebuild it all from the ground up.

There was a string of gifs in there from what I saw as a bit of pushback from one of the others that posted in the other thread purely to try and get people aggravated.

I, again, may not care too much for Aard but that’s no need to have his thread shut down when, in all reality, it could be an avenue not just to talk about the forum wipe but other forum revamp ideas.

I see no reason to do a forums wipe

Doesn’t change how people behave at all


Oh people are gonna be people. If we do a wipe and change absolutely nothing then yeah people are just gonna keep on keeping on in a way.

maybe different characters but the same behavior would still be around.

There’s a reason you all haven’t seen me much this expac. I got tired of arguing the same things over and over and over and over. Like, seriously, I advocated flying for a good 8 years with the anti-flight people. I still defend the existence of LFR.

One can only argue something so much before it becomes the same thing every day.


I feel that. I didn’t get the whole discussion about no flying / flying all that. To me, it was just make normal flying and dragon riding available at the same time and let people pick. LFR is good for story elements or, now, I run it to get some crests to upgrade and or just fill out missing pieces.

I’ve heard of people taking things off platform and just going way too far with different things too. It’s a video game after all.

I do understand yeah the loops do get a little tiring. /hug


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lol pretty much. I’m out of likes so here’s a cookie.

They need to re-enable dislikes with the caveat that any amount of simple dislikes will not flag a post or hide it.

Then the actual flags could be saved for actual flag-worthy issues.

Wishful thinking, I know…


I am out of hearts here’s a cookie.

But yeah updoot and downdoots would help out with that.

i agree to dislikes being back, might just lessen the flag trollings def.


Now the question would be if it were like reddit would it put the most liked at the top and the most hated at the bottom?

Also would it limit to 1 character account wide with updoots / downdoots?

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this is assuming blizzard makes the forums better than it is. idk how the old forum was so im not sure if up/downs can even be done here w/ whatever the thing is called now lol. tbh these forums can reaaaally use a good look bc it is one of the active mmo forums ive seen so it should honestly get more love.

I think I posted briefly on an old shaman on the old forums but I wasn’t around for updoots and downdoots. And on that shaman i think I went there for bugs and that’s it. I remember seeing it but I don’t remember what I did there lol

From what I’ve heard of it others it essentially flagged people when they got down voted enough.

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Being heavily disliked would just hide the post, no moderator involvement or punishment at all.

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Ah got you I thought there was mod involvement

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For real…

I made a thread last week on the topic of Cata classic, it got reported twice and “restored by staff” twice… you can’t make this up :rofl:

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Only after they implement account-wide flags, likes and dislikes, otherwise someone could blast people with a dislike sixty five times per account.