Forum battletage bullying

Don’t bother bro. Move on. It got moderated, it was gross. Move on.

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You can’t help yourself man. Move on.

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Why? Because you want to make a mountain out of one word that wasn’t even directed at you?

You do realize you are accusing people of horrible things, doing call outs, and now attempting to start an argument by insinuating that the “insult must of hit home”.

Classic schoolyard bully technique.

Battletags are indeed definitely a help in preventing bullying and harassment.


It’s really not my problem.

I care about the forums and just want them improved, simple enough. If you wanna go out of your way to try and call me something vile that’s on you.

Complain to the higherups.

Sure you cant.

Akston 1343.

does it happen now?
then… why do you think that would change?

trust levels are stupid.
i’d be happy if they did away with them.
(yes, i’m TL3)

the D3 forum says it’s getting an overhaul?
yippee!! hopefully this forum is next in line!!!

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What horrible thing did I accuse someone of?

In what way did I call him out?

Yeah, because he was offended by the mere mention of one word that was not directed at him.

Kind of seems like you’re doing the calling out here.

Yeah, that’s not how it works. If I request a battletag friend invite from in-game, I can see the other person’s battletag while it’s pending BEFORE they ever accept or decline.


Despite the fact that I am confident you are wrong.

What will a person do with that information? What can you do with just knowing a person’s btag info?

Akston #1343

Just tried it on a random person in dalaran. Couldn’t see their name while it was pending.

It’s on the launcher.

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Ok. And what can you do with that information?

Akston #1343

Add a random person in a city and see if you can see their battletag before they accept. You’re wrong.

Ok. What are you able to do with that information?

Akston #1343

Nope. Just shows char-server.

No it doesn’t.


Yeah it does. It’s listed under sent friend requests.

Which shows the battletag.


No. It only shows char-server