Forum battletage bullying

At least there’s some profit to be had. Perhaps they’ll be able to hire some writers.

No. I think you could deal with those people by simply reporting banning or muting them.

Akston #1343. Please attempt to bully me.

Its been going on 18+ years. Why would they start now.


We have had the Battletag system since 2009. This is not some new form of “revenue”. If they were ever to use Btag, in addition to char-server here, I would hope they throw in a free name change for anyone who does not have one left. They did that with OW at one point too.

Preventing them from doing it is even better. It won’t stop all of it, but it will bring this forum in line with all the other Blizzard forums. One main account name, one forum trust level, one set of flags, one set of likes, one post count, one post history. Whatever avatar you want to post on for the avatar display that links to your char-server Armory.


Seems like there are other ways to accomplish the same goal without publicizing everyone’s battletag. The ability to mute a player and all characters from their account doesn’t necessitate blizzard giving out our battletags.

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But I cant think of any negative effects from publicizing a battletag.

Akston 1343.


What harm could it lead to vulnerable people?

Like i’m sorry but I’m not stupid on clicking on links that I shouldn’t be clicking on and I don’t need my hands held.

And apparently I can’t post any reasons without the mods deleting the post for whatever reason.

No, technically it does not. They could use something else to create a single forum account identity so that people don’t have to start over for Trust levels, post count, history, etc. I would be ok with that over doing nothing at all and leaving it as is.

They would be re-inventing the wheel though if they do that. Our Battletag was created to be our public forum identity and in-game identity so making a different one seems like extra effort.

I have been green on my Btag now for more than 10 years on a very very hostile forum (Diablo forums) as well as most of Blizzard’s other games when I help out there. People get very angry at me for saying things they don’t want to hear. They insult me, swear at me, sexually harass me, threaten me, try to wish me real life harm.

What they can’t do is actually talk to me or contact me through my Battletag without my permission. If I had a friend, or friends, who I no longer wanted to be familiar with my Btag, I would remove them from my friends list and do a Btag change. Unlike char-server, they can’t track that once they are off my list.

It is far safer than char-server privacy wise and for ability to control who can talk to you or interact with you.

If you broke the rules and it got moderated, we are not allowed to talk about forum moderation. Best you don’t re-post whatever got reported.


Legit name? I dont use my name on anything online as a public ID. I doubt anyone who plays wow uses their RL name in btag.

Our battletags have never been truly public in wow though. You can’t /who or inspect a person and get their battletag. The only way to get it was to be given it by that person or an accepted btag request. To play it off like it’s not a big change is disingenuous.

All i did was mention ways in which forum btags could be abused by bad actors. Not planning on reposting it, but when asked how or why it could be abused what am I supposed to say? I gave reasons, but we are apparently not allowed to talk about it.

That’s absolutely not what you did because it was towards me. Nice try though.

Your post about “vulnerable people” is still up. The post towards me, however isn’t.

My guess is that some of your suggestions were misinformation and got reported. I did not see your post. It is not uncommon for people to not understand what Battletags are, how they are used, or what security options they have.

Steam, Playstation, Xbox, most any platform all have you select a game nickname. Battletags are exactly the same thing and it tells you that when you create it.

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I didn’t post anything negative towards you. I posted how I thought bad actors could abuse battletags.

Right back at you with the nice try.

I’m not going to repeat it. I don’t care what your intentions are. Just don’t go around saying stuff like that to people. There’s a difference between that post and what you said about vulnerable people.

Hence why one is removed and one isn’t.

Feel how you want about it, not really my problem.


Again, I didn’t post anything negative towards you. I merely named actions people could take with battletag information.

Don’t bother, I really don’t care. I didn’t even flag it, I just found it vile to even accuse someone of something like that.

You don’t need to explain yourself to me bro. It got moderated, it’s gone. The other posts about your other reasonings are still up.

Oh, well that explains it then. Yeah best not to repeat it. I am surprised they did not get a vacation for it too.

That is often used to make accusations, often falsely, against people in order to cause outrage. Same with adding a call out and attempting to say anyone who disagrees is as bad as that person I named. People don’t have to be abusers to think it is wrong to falsely accuse others of horrific things.

Your bait is noted. Also not ok.


I mean this is quite exactly what they did and why it got moderated.

All over me wanting nicknames for the forums. Oh well, what can ya do.

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Who was the accusation against? I didn’t single out any person with the accusation.