Forum battletage bullying

No. Honestly the fact that post information isnt shared amongst characters is stupid. In PWI i think on the forums that information was shared on all characters cause it was all on the same account.

That’s on Blizzard for making it exploitable. What they could do instead would be to merge forum posts among accounts. Changing characters is a matter of taste.

I posted on my dwarf shaman amd changed to my blood elf priest. Not to obstruct the system but cause i deleted my dwarf. WoW didnt have my mage main until i checked so I switched.

Its not always as bad as you think it is.

I can take the heat

Ghost peppers look dangerous, tbh.

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there was a blue post by… i think it was Vrak?
probably some time last week or the week before, in CS, stating that they want to make changes, and are looking into it, but as with all good things, change is going to take time.

we don’t even know if it will involve btags, or if the forum will start acting like the old forum, where the account was treated as a singular account, instead of giving people 100+ profiles to troll with.

whatever it will be, it’s long overdue, and can’t happen soon enough.


I can post on wherever toon i want, if i dont want you to know who I am i should have a right to privacy,

Its not like it’s personal here

currently, you can.
you may even continue to be able to post on whichever toon you want.
…but blizzard can make whatever changes they deem to be in the best interest of the forum, and to reduce trolling and puppeting.


If I could give multiple hearts without rotating alts, I would.

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bit off the mark on this one. If you have a persons btag, they must accept your request to friend first, if they dont, then its over already. And if they did and you started doing weird stuff they can block you and report you to blizzard. I dontthink you want to go the route of blizzard notifying the authorities if someone really felt threatened by you.

Besides, whats to stop a bad actor from merely making an alt and joining a persons guild then accessing that guilds discord, and social medias and just going straight to their real world details? Nothing, thats what. The only way of avoiding that is to make sure guilds do not use discord, or any social medias. Have fun enforcing that.

If anything, they could add a cd on how often folks can switch out forum avatars. Once per month? Once every two months? Per subscription billing period? More of a fan of that, than battletags tbh. Who wants to constantly refuse/block friend requests in the social tab lol. And how would it work for the folks who have high trust levels? Would they have to start from scratch to get to say level 3 again?

If a troll is dedicated to trolling the forums even with btags in place, sure he will shell out $15 (or $10 for a battle tag name change if that somehow works) every time he gets outted for trolling but for any troll, no.

Trolling in this forum with this format is hella of lot cheaper than going through real money for new license on a entirely new bnet account to avoid any sort of responsibility, I can make a classic character right now, swap to it and troll and you wouldn’t know its me, If I get outted for trolling on that alt, I can create another be an entirely different person without having to spend money.

Yeah because I actually do research on what I’m talking about instead of making stuff up and then refusing to back it up.

I also forgot, you need to make an entirely new email account, Blizzard won’t take your email address that is already in use for your new account so this adds additonal 10 to 20 minutes.

Like I said, on my end, I can undo your effort in a click of a button, I can leave it sit or there is an addon that can automatically decline a friend request (you need to be on in WoW for it to work) and I will cross post the thread to you.

The “if I want to share it.” can be applied to the numbers (even though it is public aswell) but for the name no.

Pro btaggers have offered a solution to keep the character swapping here but they will be like profile pictures, under the character name part would be “Hwanwok 70 Pandaren Monk” and if you click on my name, the view profile button will take you to my armory of my chosen character as it normally does now.

If I remember correctly because I only played Starcraft ll for a hot minute and never played after that and my name portion of my btag is on display.

I play Overwatch and name portion is on display for 9 other players, after a match, they can also add you if you go to “Social” and go to “recent players” or “recent matches” or whatever its called.

I think Diablo lll display your name and the numbers attached to that tag but I could be wrong.

I played Diablo lV and Battle tag name is displayed under character name.

I have crushed ghost pepper flakes I put on pizza, and spaghetti. Love it! Very hot, but not near as hot as the Carolina reaper pepper. I tried that stuff and it is miserable hot lol.

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It doesn’t take 10 to 20 minutes to get a new email address. It takes like 30 seconds. Do your research bud.

So are you asking for the full btag with the numbers be displayed on the forums or just the name?

Lol. Pro btaggers. At least the faction war is alive somewhere in wow.

It doesn’t matter to anyone other then those that want to troll.

We have suggested how they can do it with people being able to change their characters for honest reasons like class discussion , transmog threads , as well as show your class/race threads.

More then enough people have made it clear that they don’t want people to be able to ignore their entire account . They have said things that are not true and have been proven wrong by Blizzards own words like Btags show your real info . No that is real id .

They say it is private . No everyone’s account detail page says it is our public identiy in all of Blizzards games and if it was private they couldn’t use it in their other forums .

So come up with a real factual reason for why the wow forum can’t have btags and back it up with a link from official blizz web site saying why it can’t.

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Your Battletag is a public nickname you control. The numbers will show when you hover over the person’s avatar or look at the link. Those numbers are added by Blizzard to ensure each name is unique.
Bob#1234 and Bob#4567 for example.

Hover over any avatar on the D3, Overwatch, D3, SC, or any other Blizzard forum and you see the text and number.


Yes reporting does but you know what btags does to trolls.
By being able to ignore trolls on their entire account so they can’t alt hop when they realize people have ignored one of their toons, it over time takes away their audience .

They need their audience or they are no longer the center of attention .


doesn’t matter how long or how short it takes, I can still undo your effort of going out of your way of making an email account and a blizzard account (and installing HoTS) in a click of a button.

Numbers need to be displayed somewhere (URL bar mainly) to prevent imposters posing as other members of the forums.


I would be against those numbers showing on the wow forums for reasons I have already listed. Although, for whatever reason the mods saw fit to delete that post. Apparently, pointing out that making battletags public could lead to harm for vulnerable people is against the CoC.

Your battletag is defined as public info and no, it can’t harm anyone. YOU can change it at will to be whatever you feel comfy with. No sub group is highlighted or singled out by having a Battletag, Gamer tag, steam name, or whatever other self selected nickname a game company uses.

You get one free Btag change and others can be purchased.


The other games just show the name but if you mouse over the name like you do in here , you will see Name- numbers instead of Name - Server in the lower left of your screen .

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You mean all the sock puppets rolling through the forums with no post history and making controversial topics which they only participate in for about 2 or 3 responses and then let the rest of the bee’s nest go whacky? Those “vulnerable” people?

I’d want to keep my identify hidden too if I was seeking to stir the pot or engage myself in conversation/abuse the flag reporting/spam hearts on my own threads.