Forum battletage bullying

You would know about that better than most people on the forums.
Since every so often you make bad faith troll threads.


Nah, not entirely. We saw that with the "T’'s.


true on this even with the player ignore they make another alt

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My faith is strong please don’t question my faith on Easter thanks


I have went through this thread, same arguments, same misinformation and the same people denying all facts and evidence provided by the pro btaggers.

Maybe you should take the time to educate yourself and observe the facts instead of denying them

Your battle tag is your chosen nickname, just like your character name in WoW, Just like in Steam, Just like in Xbox, Just like in Twitter etc.

No one is going to censor or control you for your opinions on WoW, your still allowed to say your opinions on WoW if the forums here were to ever switch over to btags.

These theories of widespread harassment and stalking have been debunked because other Blizzard forums have been using btags for years, if they were to happen as these anti-btaggers as predicted, we would’ve heard it by now years ago and we would be on your side but since other Blizzard forums don’t have this problem and those forums have been like that for years, the whole argument of Btags will cause widespread harassment and stalking just falls flat on its face.

Honestly, I’m just surprised that these anti btaggers don’t know what a username actually is and what it does when your playing online games or somewhere in the internet.

Thats been debunked already.

To create new throwaway accounts, it would take me about like 10 to 20 minutes, if I don’t have Heroes of the Storm installed, it would take me a couple of minutes (time varies on your internet speed) and then launch Heroes of the Storm so I can get the ability to start sending friend requests.

On my end? all it takes is like 3 to 5 seconds to flush your whole attempt of creating that account with the sole purpose to harass me down the toilet, I will continue to do if the individual is dedicated and which I would throw a report at Blizzard while you are still doing it.

First and foremost, I don’t want your battle tag, I dont care about it.

All I want is the forums to be cleaned out, trolling to be reduced and reducing to everyone having 1 voice, 1 like and 5 flags (max flags you can have on an account).

Here is the support article where in blizzard’s words they say it is public identity for their platform that I recommend you reading up on. If you dont like clicking on links, here is an excerpt from that artcle.

A BattleTag™ is a player-chosen nickname that identifies your account in our games, websites, community forums, and more. Only one BattleTag can be associated with a account.

and I will post an image that I screenshotted during the process of creating an account (I didn’t create one but I just wanted to see what the step says)

If you want to go by that logic of privacy, Your battle tag is being displayed against your will if you do play or have played Overwatch, Diablo, Starcraft, Heroes of the Storm, Hearthstone etc.

Also if you want to go by that logic of privacy, your character name is already displayed against your own will.

Sure, WoW is a different game but guess what those other blizzard game uses? Battle tags.

So you know the whole anti btag side always say that there will be wide spread harassment and you would be bombarded with requests? I was playing Overwatch yesterday and that game uses battle tags and I haven’t been harassed or bombarded with requests?

No not really.

Only way for trolling will ever to be reduced is to have a singular identity, which battle tags would solve that, Char-server gives trolls a safety net because our characters are separate accounts

reporting them while it will do something but still it doesn’t stop them.


Im just going to sit back relax and let the OP, Ardnncloud and Vorta etc speak for me,

I cant think of any good arguments,

What the OP said should cut it

There’s one up, check-pvp, but it doesn’t ‘find’ alts, it only verifies that the characters are from the same account so you already have to know the name and put it into the website. You can also make an account there and hide any number of your alts. It also doesn’t work if you have share third party data off apparently.

One website was, that worked on me despite me having share third party data off, and that was Xuna.

Would think so, but getting websites taken down especially ones not in your own country can be hard.

Then you should know the names of their alts since you know the website, go ahead.

Neither will having your battletags. They can just get a new account. Thanks for playing.

That sure as hell won’t be the majority of people, though.

I mean, c’mon, people barely even multibox anymore, let alone mass multibox. Most people aren’t willing to cough up the funds for it, after the software nix.

One WoW license with a sub can have 160 chars on it, unlimited really if they just delete chars and make new ones. Second licences on the same Bnet have access to allied races, so that makes it easier to create even more chars per Bnet if they want to pay a second Sub.

To get around the Btag limit, they need a new Batlenet account, new WoW licence, new sub, and a level 10. Can people do that? Sure. Do many people bother? No.

It takes it from a very easy and painless process of changing chars, to actually requring a bit of work and money. It won’t stop everything of course and everyone knows that.

Firehose to a trickle though is better.

Of course this is really not even mostly about trolling. There are a lot of reasons to bring this forum up to the same level as all the rest of the Blizzard forums.

  • Trust level, post history, post count, likes/flags, are all tied to the forum account which is currently charname-server. Every time someone transfers or has a name change, it wipes their forum account to the start. Any new char they use, starts at zero. That gets a fair amount of tickets/complaints to CS.
  • Treating char-server as forum accounts means Ignore is only for that one char instead of all the chars on that Bnet account. It means people can, and do, make more chars to evade ignores and keep bothering individuals.
  • Char-server allows people to add you in-game without your permission, message you, find where you are, mail you, etc. Even see if you get a name change. Btags don’t. They keep anyone from talking to you without you giving them permission to add you as a friend.
  • Using multiple characters to abuse the reporting system. Each char has a set of flags, so when someone runs out on one char, they use the other chars to report the same person. Yes, it is against the forum rules and some people do get suspended, but it makes more work for the mods and they don’t catch it all. One Bnet with one set of flags greatly reduces false flagging. Same with a more minor issue of “fake likes”, although that is not really damaging.
  • Last, sock puppets and people switching chars to just make trolling threads. Those do cause a lot of disruption and extra mod work. It costs Blizz money to clean it up and it can interfere with attempts at honest discourse.

Ijilijil I really appreciate you making another thread about this. :heart:
Shows how much you support btags for the wow forums! Thanks!


Can you show me where this information is? Genuinely curious and would like to read about it from Blizzard.

Just did a quick google search and all I found were forum posts (mostly for it).

For the record, I want it something fierce. So tired of sock puppets trolling (as I’ve already indicated in this thread previously).

It’s basically sock puppets vs sock puppets these days

Why does anyone care about sock puppetting.

I don’t know you you dont me in real life

Shouldn’t matter if i want privacy or not to say stuff

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Meh, not all of us.

Really weird that you would know that…

Public if I want to share it. Blizzard isn’t going to force me to use my battletag as the name of every character I have in game, and they shouldn’t force me to use battletag on forums either. If I want to post in druid forums, I want to post from my druid. Rogue forums, rogue, classic forums, classic character. I have no interest in sharing the same identifier across those different forums.

StarCraft doesn’t actually display your btag in game, but rather a name of your choosing that you can change once per season. Overwatch is similar, you don’t see a players full btag. No idea about the others because I don’t play them.

Your real life privacy is safe. As you said before, what you want is the ability to keep changing characters and dupe people into not realizing it is the same poster.


Nah not my little jalapeño muffin

Of course as that to me is privacy

What about the habaneros?