Forum battletage bullying

I just think it’s very suspicious that posters on these forums want more information on other posters. Why could they want this additional information? Why do they care so much?

I don’t care about anyone on the forums enough to want extra information on them. Especially not their nickname on a video game. Knowing me as Anxxy-Sargeras is THE SAME information as aimbotterlul#1921. Keep that in mind.

You tried a million things to try and “win” this back and forth. You even googled my btag for SOMETHING JUST ANYTHING.

I just want the stuff on GD cleaned up, the hatred fueled posts by alts / classic characters lowered, and that’s that. Take it how you’d like.


And be able to do absolutely nothing with them. That’s because b-tags are much better at blocking trolls as they can’t even communicate with you until you accept the invite.

And yes, if someone is dumb enough to accept an invite because they’re allegedly being “spammed” with them, then that’s on them. Right now, you can’t even block the whisper from coming through without turning off whispers or using an addon to block it.

B-tags are way better at giving us control over who can or cannot contact us.


So, battle tags on the forums … when?

So sick of sock puppets with no posting history rotating characters to continuously stir the pot.


Not really. Through btags you could find my alts assuming I used them to post on class forums. You could find out any classic characters I play based on posts I make to classic forums. Effectively you would have more information at your disposal.

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In any regard to go to those lengths to track someone down does show a level
of obsessive compulsive disorder and they should seek help not from blizzard forums but from a well trained psychologist. Meds might be needed and the councilor needs to contact to perma ban players account for self harm reasons

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I’m not the one advocating for this information to be given to other users. Why you people are so adamant is truly beyond me.

… And, again, you did not directly address my example, did you?

It’s a system designed by Blizzard to be your public facing gamer name. Blizzard already made it publicly visible in-game and it was silly that they didn’t add it to this iteration of the forums.

I’m glad that they’re already looking at doing so though.


I’m sorry muffin can you refresh my memory

It’s not publicly visible in game. I can’t view someone’s btag until they choose to add me.

oh… like the other day when i dared to post in a thread which you’d posted in, and you immediately jumped to “are you following me around?!”

no poppet.
i’m not following you around.
i read here.
i post here.
there are only a certain number of active posts at any give time.
you’re going to see some of the same people responding to various posts.

you’re not being followed.



Happy Easter nobully

You are very silly. But, yes, I will.

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Wanting to make changes on the forums doesn’t include displaying everyones Btags.

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Really I don’t have your btags but with server-character I was able to find a couple of your alts through

Unless the person friends you or you friend them alts can not be found just by knowing btags and even if a person has another’s btag , they can only see what toon is logged on and not the person’s entire character list.

Oh well that’s simple you’re way too love able to harass

Ppfffttt, I make people rage at least on a weekly basis.


Nah I don’t believe that one bit