Forum battletage bullying

yes that pvp website is real, that’s how they found your alts. not thru ur btag. but yes they were trying to use checkpvp to prove why btags are bad. it doesn’t make sense.

Its a clear case of exactly how forum posters will go look up whatever data is available about a poster to shut down a discussion (eg to harass the poster) and why posting battletags on the forums doesn’t do anything but empower users to engage in bad behaviors on the forums.

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You people are never getting my battletag.

That wasn’t the point.

The point was that the person tried to prove a point about btags by using a website that uses charname-server information. Not btags. Idk why you typed all that.

You can’t look up someone’s btag online and get their character list.

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Oh look. People being creepy right in this thread trying to get info on people.


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Again, missing the point.

If you’re going to say why btags aren’t good for the forums that’s fine, that’s your opinion. But don’t use charname-server and then claim that they used their btag.


irrelevant. It highlights exactly what i just said…

No, you’re missing the whole point of what i responded to.

The person claimed that they found information from their btag (which they didn’t)

I’m not gonna argue more tho. It’s a pointless lap 9 type of deal. That’s your opinion, that’s fine.

I just want less garbage in GD, and less hateful posts and to be able to ignore accounts. Simple as that. Feel free to disagree, but to be honest I don’t care.


I agree trying to get some people to understand how Battle Tags really work and what can and can’t be done with them is like talking to a wall.

No they totally understand how btags work. They just are saying things to sway people away from the idea.

Not that it matters much. People for some reason don’t mind seeing the hateful posts made by alts / classic characters.

It’s not worth going back and forth with them though, they understand.


Groomers could use btags to target the vulnerable.


Why are we talking about something like this. They can do that with charname-server too.

Probably worse, they don’t even have to accept a friend request for charname server.

I’m not going to sit here and talk about a bunch of what-ifs. The rest of the forums seem to be doing fine with btags.

You know they have to accept your friend request to get ANY kind of interaction. You know this.

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Whether RealID and Battletags are distinct doesn’t matter much. Because this is the internet.

But the real reason that Btags won’t switch over is thus… this is an extremely low population forum frequented by far far (FAR!) less than 1% of the player base and they just don’t care much about it.

There’s no motivation to switch things over because there is no benefit to it, and would require actual work to change over by paid employees. This would entail a cost with no real benefit.

If they were going to switch over they would have by now. And while some of the major issues like “ZoMg they posted something, then agreed with themselves on an alt!” may enrage some few people… nobody else really cares or takes notice.

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I agree that most people don’t care at all.

I just speak about it because I care about the game and the forums, so I don’t mind passion speaking about something that in my opinion would improve the forums.

Some people kinda care about the forums? And think that this would be an improvement. Whether people think it would or not, is up to them to decide. But I just don’t like when people talk about btags as if they’re something that they’re not.

It’s a username bro. It’s not even a username. It’s like a nickname. Like mine is aimbotterlul#1921 , it’s the most random thing in the world from OW 7 years ago or whenever OW released. What’s someone gonna do with my btag? Add me as a friend?

You can’t be btag messaged unless they accept your friend request bro. And you can block someone’s btag. What are you saying to me.

This is what I’m talking about.

And accusing me of something completely insane because I just want a simple improvement for the forums? Are you for real?

You can try and message my btag rn, it’s in the comment above you. Idk how you’re going to message me without sending me a friend request first but be my guest.

And to answer you, yes you can obviously block btags. What year is this.


A basic Google search of your btag showed it was posted to the website 4-chan. A website known for trolling, debauchery and racism.

Yet, Blizzard is already on record mentioning that they’re looking into making changes. Also, since the coding isn’t done by Blizzard staff, Discourse would be the one with the paid employees doing the work.

It matters hugely! One is your real name, the other is a gamer tag with absolutely no access to your personal information. Those are night and day.

Thankfully, Blizzard would never be able to use RealId now due to privacy laws around the world.


Yes and that website actually just has the wow general discussion board on it. Which has my btag from the original thread (from these forums not 4chan) in a comment that I WROTE myself on THESE forums.


Which again, doesn’t matter because you didn’t even respond to anything I said about not being able to message me, and or being able to block btags completely. But why would you.

it’s just unreal.

Edit cuz im done back and forthing : It’s been explained how they work like 100x on these forums - just because you repeat that they work x way when they don’t, doesn’t make them magically work that way.


It’s my understanding that if someone were set on harassing someone they could make as many battletags as they want, having no active subscription to cost limit them.

Could you whisper me in game right now? Sure, if you knew what character I was on. Alternatively, if you had my btag you could spam me with friend requests from multiple accounts, if one was successful you would have access to my friends list. Etc.

If this was happening to you are you accepting these random friend requests?

Like I said - I’m done going back and forth. It’s been explained, you have no answer, it is what it is. Stop grasping at straws. It’s a pointless back and forth when you’re telling me they work X way when they work Y way.

If you want to have an opinion on it that’s perfectly fine, just don’t try and tell me they work in a different way than how they actually work. That’s that though.