Forum battletage bullying

Don’t believe so, no lol:

Dude did you literally delete your character

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You still haven’t explained to me the whole harassers thing.

C’mon now - I am sure everyone is waiting.

Like say for instance I say something about PvP but I am a mid at best pvp player I get harassed in the game or on the forums

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Nothing at Blizzard works that fast lol.


I found a good thread… :popcorn: :salt: :beer: :upside_down_face:

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I’m not even mad I’m impressed

Yeah, that doesn’t make sense, what you just said there.

Go on, try a wee bit harder.

The armory doesn’t work that way, it takes weeks and months for a character to be removed from the database.

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If someone gets mad at me for my opinion which happens a lot around here for some reason they will harass me in other threads sometimes it’s nice to switch characters and have a normal conversation with people without some looney toon following me around different threads on the forums with battle tags you don’t get that reprieve

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Admit it you are going to make a toon named mooleycyrus now it’s a good name

I rate it as a 4/10 name. Kinda cliche.

I mean wreckingbull … mooleycyrus … come on it makes sense

But… that still does not match with what you said, and how I responded.


But it’s true though

Wreckingbull, is more of an appropriate tongue in cheek name for a Tauren Warrior, Mooleycyrus is kinda meh. It’s kinda generic.

And you are not answering my question. You are deflecting.

So… is what you said purely for scaremongering? Were you just saying that for drama? Were you tryna get likes?

C’mon now, front and center. Be real with what you say, and don’t just make things up that you can’t back up.

SO that pvp websitething was real? I have seen some people saying it was closed down or something. I mean it does seem weird that a website that tracks players via pvp data/achievements would be closed, but a website that tracks data via btags would be permitted. Given 1 accesses the wow armory and the other accesses the blizzard backend and ties a made up name to an actual account. Seems like that would be illegal, and breaching all manner of security.

You think that would be a great cause for concern, that such a website exists. And imagine using such a website as a “weapon” to demonstrate why btags are bad, instead of going all in to have such a threat closed, and sealed for good.

I am tempted to go for my revised target though, as in if these guys can really access my character list via btag then they should also have the id of my wotlk classic characters. I have 2 at lvl 80. Wonder if they can produce race, class first and last letters of the name etc.


I mean I just explained forum harassment

I suggest you do the same if you are interested in facts.