Forum battletage bullying

That And in game I can honestly get anybody’s battle tag without even friending them

There is no use with arguing with this person or should i say multiple person(s) in this thread that they have been sock Puppeting in this thread

If blizzard Implements battletag in fourm there trolling takes a hit… Anytime a thread like this pops up they take their army of alts and inject themselves in it to say no to use battletags in wow fourm

If i was a betting man my guess late this year or maybe next year they will Implement it in this fourm It takes a while for them to basically rework the forums to accept the battle tags the way they probably want it


Bassia - tauren rogue

Those games are socially, nothing like wow in the least bit

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Lol wut?

Did you just make that up?

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Most likely.

Wait, hold up. This is about as leaky as a sink made from a sieve.

  • I regularly post my btag on here.
  • I am a woman, which is something I am open about in relevant threads.
  • I am very outspoken, and make people mad when I won’t just accept their bs.
  • I get recognized occasionally, when running mythics or heroics. (Shout out to that bear tank from the other day, from heroic Uldaman).

Now, viewing all of the above bullet points together, one could easily come to the conclusion that I am a perfect candidate for harassment.
And yet, with all of the times I have posted my btag, made it known that I am a chick, pissed people off, or had people recognize me in game - I have not been harassed once.

Some of y’all, with your little scaremonger stories, need to quit yer bs.


Real talk, the only reasons anyone wants battletags is so that they can harass other players to shut down the discussion.

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Ok, cool, send the harassers to me. I’ll deal with them.


Got you didn’t i

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Found you

Nephilmuffin - female tauren rogue - sargeras

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oooh! oooh! do me! do me!

What’s your battle tag

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Yeeeaahhhhh, nah. I hate playing rogues. And anyone with a lick of sense, can check my IO, or check the guild I am in on this toon (which is my main).

Try again. With a little more singing, if you could.

I’m not gonna make it easy for you. :grin:

Ok give me a min then

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Mooleycyrus - female tauren rogue - nemesis

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They be like:

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They are udderly sneaky

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