Forum battletage bullying

ah ok, so because it hasnt happened to YOU personally, means it doesnt happen at all. sorry, that’s not how this works, other people exist besides you, and we have different experiences.

ah then you havent read it yet. try rereading it again.

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i’ve upset a whole lot of applecarts over the years.
i’m very blunt, and people don’t like it at all.
if people are behaving in such a way that someone would feel the need to:

  • create a character on their server
  • do a quest or two to get enough copper to send mail
  • walk to a mailbox
  • risk having their account actioned

…then perhaps the recipient of the unwanted contact should consider how they interact with others on the forum.

Or even better, if they’re SO worried that someone might contact them due to something they’ve said on the forum… simply opt out of using the forum like 99% of the community.

Either way, btags is a much more secure option if people are scared of being stalked or harassed or contacted in game.

the cowladin is correct.
stop trying to pretend that anything which is being said by the fearmongers has any basis in reality.


Yeah, not surprising that you would try to blame someone for that one. Btw, some people already have chars on populated servers, also Allied Races start at level 10, generally near mailboxes, and with 1g or so.

I bet you say that about people going out in public, lol.

Since btag gives them all of your character names, and the forums will be charname-server PLUS btag, meaning it’ll at the very least be worse than it is now… You didn’t think that though.

They didn’t say that at all. They were making a point about how unlikely it is to begin with in the present, where it is objectively easier to do than with the proposed BattleTag posting - and that’s coming from someone like myself who has experienced this very thing. I received three separate death threats in game over a number of years for opinions expressed on the forums. I specifically post on a Classic toon to mitigate that (eliminate now, I suppose, since I don’t really play Classic anymore), which is also why I fully support BattleTag posting.

It has nothing but upsides. The only downsides people can find are either self-sabotage with personal info in their tag, or complete fabrications.


and now we resort to victim blaming because you are unable to comprehend someone might have an experience different from yours, and so they must’ve brought it upon

or how about those that want the change to the forums opt out of using the forums? they’re the ones asking for a change.

i recommend you read the thread over as well then (if you have even given it one read through that is)

or how about people stop pretending anyone wants btags for any reason besides to stalk and harass others?


go into the btag thread.
use any one of the btags to find all of a players characters.

come back and post the following.

first initial of the character name.

we’ll wait.


when someone takes it upon themselves to get under someones skin, and succeeds, they’re not a victim.
they’re the aggressor.
this is the type of person who is only a “victim” when it suits them.

actually, it’s blizzard who are looking to make changes.
the players are just getting loud, because it’s beyond time for change.

i’ve read all of the threads.
none of the “concerns” are genuine.

we’ve already established that this is something which can not be done without the consent of the “victim”.


Rather it be people either use battletag or quit using the forums.


Honestly, how often is that happening in the other forums? If it will be as rampant here as you seem to believe, why isn’t it that rampant everywhere else?


Already did that in this thread, and someone else posted my post where I did so. Guess you didn’t think that one through very well.

Someone didn’t think that through either. Most of Blizzards other games are Lobby based, not MMORPG with servers that everyone shares and everyone can play on all of them and go interact with people without either a solo, group queue, or joining very specific ‘games’ in the case of Diablo.

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Oooooo, do me!


Tell me what my Horde characters name is!

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i didn’t see it.
which post number?
i’m going to go out on a limb and guess you used one of the sites which has nothing to do with btags, and instead used a site which used the armory… which is already there for everyone else to access.

any website which uses btags, needs the consent of the account holder.
if people are paranoid, they wouldn’t give consent.
if people have given consent, then it’s not exactly a “gotcha”… is it.


the games which you’re referencing, use btags… so according to all the fearmongers, the people playing those games should already be getting bombarded with friend requests.

isn’t that the fear?

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More that grudge bearers here on the forums will stalk them elsewhere and ruin their gaming experience.

Not that far back honestly, I’m sure you’ll get to it.

You’ll keep guesstimating incorrectly, I imagine.

Apparently not always.

You’re not very good at this. I just explained why it’s not an issue in the other games, read what you quoted. (It’s because the other games work completely differently, and are different genres.)

Yo, whats the hold up?

He just used If you have any pvp achievements It can tell you what alts you have It basically scans the wow armory
For PVP achievements… It has nothing to do with battletags

So, where is it that Blizzard said that they’re going to start using people’s btags for the forums? lol

Beyond that, this is a lot of hysteria. I’m not Kevin Mitnick, so I don’t know every trick in the book, but I do have a fairly lengthy career in cyber security. To the best of my knowledge sitting here the only way anyone could get your personal information Via your btag would be:

  1. Your btag is revealing, something like BobjonesFL#000000 (Which even then it would probably have to be a pretty unique name, as there’s probably 18,000 Bob Jones’ in Florida)
  2. You have posted your btag here or somewhere else where you’ve posted your personal information, or your profile on said place contains your contact info.
  3. Someone would need to compromise the server(s) Blizzard uses to house your information, which every company in the world is subject to being hacked. I also don’t know how they store data, so I’m not even sure your Btag would be a query option in the same database they house your CC info or whatever.

Also, people can’t just add you on btag and begin harassing you. You’ve got to actually accept them for them to start a line of communication (unless there’s an auto-accept option I’m unaware of). So at the very worst, without committing a felony, all someone could do is keep trying to add you on btag to the best of my knowledge.


They been hinting at it… Plus this is the only blizzard form that doesn’t utilize battletag…

And your battletag has no personal information whatsoever


Yeah, I couldn’t imagine it would. Encouraging people to share their btags as a way to make friends and play together, only for it to be an extremely identifiable piece of information would seemingly be something their attorneys would have had something to say about. lol