Forum battletage bullying

That’s not true scroll up

While it is impressive that they found the information, their lack of disclosure about how they did it means it really isn’t “proof”

There are multiple methods that could be used to find the info, so unless they show that they used battle tags I have to be skeptical.

For example, they could have compared my achievements with other toons in my guild roster when they found my alt.


Nah, it’s pretty pointless because certain people just shift the goalposts every time any evidence is given - and much like an exploit, since both are harmful to the game/players I won’t post the website directly and that seems to upset those that want to use it in such negative ways.

Ok here is my btag

Weidmann #11645

Now prove you can find all of my alts with just having it (not including the ones on check pvp) also since my phone is tied to my account prove you can use btag to get my real info and send me a text.

Because if you don’t then I have proven you can’t

I don’t mind this as well but it’s also going to take a longer time to implement and test. With btags, the functionality is already there because other Blizz forums are already using it. But ultimately, if we want a quick fix, then I’d rather they just push out account-wide ignore ASAP. Some people here are beyond annoying and really think they’re being slick when it’s pretty obvious what they’re doing.

I didn’t say I could do it but people can just like someone did above

that suggestion would be great, but those of the pro-btag side do not want it because it greatly limits their power to stalk and harass.

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I think a compromise would work well just like you said account wide ignore single report and single like that would stop a lot of what people are complaining about without compromising peoples PII


That isn’t true. I would accept that as a solution.

But it doesn’t make sense for Blizz to make yet another id when they already have battle tags for that exact purpose.

correct, but it makes even less sense for Blizz to give others even more power to harass and stalk each other. which is why we should just keep the forums the same.

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Would you accept a compromise on the backend like you can only like a post once per account stay with one character per thread and only report once per account but the names stay like they are now

I don’t know why you keep making that claim when it has been repeatedly shown that battletags alone do not allow that to happen.

You know what, I’m just going to ignore you now.

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Oh I meant to add account wide ignore too that’s seems to be a big one for you guys

try reading the thread.

that would be best, i only want to converse with people that have actually read the thread.

more great solutions that will be overlooked because they do not give others the power to bully stalk and harass.

that’s why some ask for btags and not for these changes, which are not only easier to implement but allow us to retain some level of privacy.

THey did it without btags.

Most likely a site like check pvp or raider io .

you for instance via check pvp

You Have another dk , a priest , a lock , a monk and a evoker .

I will not say their names or servers .

But I will say the lock ,monk and evoker are all on the same server .

I’m just saying people don’t need btags to find another persons alt

btags are not needed to find a persons alts and the big one is people saying btags can track you in the real world . We are going ok prove you can find us in the real world via btags .

I’ve said text me if you can so you don’t get in trouble here .

If I am wrong I’ll change my opinion on it . But the deal is you have to find my number by just having my battlle tag no questions or hints from me.


I’ve got one of everything

it’s actually quite entertaining (or concerning?) how many people seem to think other people care enough about them to go out of their way to contact them in game.

in 15 years, i’ve had it happen exactly zero times.

…but the people who seem to be scared of everything, want others to believe it’s a regular occurrence.

as has been explained an insane amount of times, nobody can bully or stalk or harass you.
as it is now, with name-server, they can… if they’re bored enough, and feel like you’re worth risking an account action over.
(which seems about as unlikely as winning the lottery)


I’ve read the thread… there is nothing but misinformation and false claims about Battle Tags giving anyone the ability to stalk or harass people.


It’s a smokescreen and scare tactic because they don’t want all their alts they use to troll the forums to be outed.