Forum battletage bullying

I feel a bit uncomfortable making a char on someone’s server to do this, but I can since you consented and if you won’t accept another method like me giving the race/first letter/last letter of names. For the 70 mage, Nelf Frost mage, first letter i last letter S. For the 63(not 62) Warrior It’s a Lightforged Draenei arms war, first letter M last letter A.

Let me know if you want me to remove the info from my post or if you want me to just mail you in game.

The burden of proof is in the person who says you can’t do it

Right, they can without Btags.

They can do it just by making a character on your server and make many level 1’s doing it.

It can be done by mail too, on a disposable level 1 character.

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bingo with the btags you get the whole account
without btags have fun getting spammed by the mail

Exactly and that’s what they aren’t getting

Exactly, with b tags, you can ignore the whole account, without they can jump toons and smap your mail or whatever.

Except if you make a mistake then it’s. It not that simple

Analogy fails on several levels, most of which involve failure for conditions to translate.

But to be fair you’re responding to my response about “signal to noise”, which is also a somewhat failed metaphor as non-constructive posts don’t actually compromise constructive posts in the manner which noise degrades signal.

There are a lot of conditionals. That play into that factor though

Depends on where the friend request is coming from, I will allow a guildie of mine to be friends on bnet or sometimes allow someone who I played with in the past to be friends on bnet if I find them alright, if a request is coming out of nowhere, its going to be instantly declined.

I don’t know why your blaming the system instead of yourself, I have control on what goes onto my friends list and who is going to get tossed into the bin.

I have gotten random friend requests on Steam and Discord before, do you see me blaming their system? no, I just look into that request and if just an out of the blue request, its going to get declined with no second thought.

The other Blizzard forums use battle tags, the Discourse software was designed for it therefore it is an invented wheel and the WoW forums running off of modified discourse software to use our characters like the old forums is a “reinvented wheel” with a hole in it.

We want to put the proper wheel on that Forums of Overwatch, HoTS, Diablo, Starcraft, and Hearthstone use on the WoW forums.

Nah it won’t.

All you need to do is approve the request that was sent you, if its declined, RIPBOZO of any sort of attempt of trying to advertise you gold selling and boosting.

Plus, there are far more efficient methods of advertising these types of services, sending friend requests in mass isn’t one of them.

I mean thats what arf does, makes up something and tries to call it as “fact” and then refuses to back up that “fact” (i.e the website that allegedly tracks your activity on Blizzard products without needing to be friends with someone) and then now considers what Blizzard has said in their own words about battle tags as “misinformation”.

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Do I deny every unsolicited friend request from random people I don’t know? Yeah. I’m pretty sure most sensible people do.


I just ignore them and let them sit in limbo for all eternity :rofl:.

I’m going to say here. I dont know what means you used but those are remarkably accurate. I didnt even realise i got that one up to 63. But alas it is. I kind of want to “move the goalposts” and pick a character that i havent logged into in a long time. But im not going too. I guess there is some means of finding alts. Maybe is its that wowpvp whatever sort of site, maybe its not. But at the end of the day - there it is.

And that does kind of lead to my alternate suggestion - that for wow at least blizzard use a different username, that the person defines upon a “first login”. One that isnt necessarily the btag, but is common across this subforum.


Yes they are but you can not be stalked with btags.
Just because some one has your btag doesn’t mean they can do anything with it. If they are denied a btag request and blocked they can no longer request with the blocked btag.

If it is accepted they can only see what toon is logged on not all of the persons wow toons.

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Impressive technical breakdown while completely ignoring the point that just because you can avoid a problem doesn’t mean you should avoid a problem.

they just use checkpvp. it’s not from btags, it’s from charname-server.

if u have anyone’s alt’s name u can look up what characters they have on their acct, which is what that person did to find your alts. it’s literally from charname-server, not btags

so again, people can find alts from charname-server

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No it’s not .

Another person can not prove or disprove something another person says they can do .

The burden is on the person saying they can do it .

That is how the real world works


Oh really the prove it

I have nothing to prove . you’re the one spouting off what can be done

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Asking someone that says something doesn’t exist to prove that it doesn’t exist is a logical fallacy.

There is already nothing there, so there is nothing to prove.

In this case, saying someone can’t do something is the same. Currently, no one has demonstrated the ability to use battle tags to find the requested information, so there is nothing to prove. At this point, the claim can only be disproved.