Forum battletage bullying

Yeah, MVPs and pro btaggers seem to do that in every thread and it is pretty sad. Would be cool if Blizzard enforced their rules, ya know?

That’s not the only website, poor thing.

Or just leave things like they are and stop asking for pointless changes the forums already work

Prove it. I’ll wait.

“Why clean up all this garbage laying around when I could just walk around it?”


If they worked properly changes wouldn’t be needed but they don’t.

there is an email where you can provide feedback on MVPs if you were unaware

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The forums do work lol how are you using them right now

considering you refuse to offer up this alleged website that servers up data that is not public facing.

I dropped my btag many times, i even challenged people to find me in game. They cant. Its you who is saying how btags breach privacy, let others know your alts etc without backing it up. It is you who is claiming to have your website that does whats quite possibly illegal while saying you are the “good guy”.

Basically you dont have “evidence” you want to have 100 voices, maybe its your only way of being heard. Say something 3 clicks say it again, 3 clicks say it again, 3 click say it again.


I think the question being asked here is that let’s say you put your Arfbishop#1234 (or whatever your tag actually is) into any one of these sites as the search parameter.

Are you actually able to see a full list of characters on any of the sites you suggest?

I’m not talking about having to voluntarily put your own information up via logging in, opting in, or otherwise. Just a straight search of a random person’s battle tag.

You may think they work fine… I don’t. And I will continue supporting the needed changes. :person_shrugging:


I support your right to do that friend I just happen to disagree

On that we can agree at least. :beers:

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if its a search for others thing it has to be illegal. Theres no way to access that data as its not forward facing. Of my btag friends, I only get to know the characters they log into. I dont get a list of them all regardless.

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It’s picked up every single alt of mine despite me having share game data off, so yeah it seems to be. It’s picked up char lists of people(I obviously cannot vet if it’s all of their characters since I am not them, but I’d say it’s accurate.) that ‘dared’ others to look them up there, and in some cases when they played certain content including in other games like overwatch. Which is why I sent it off to Blizz just like I did for another website which got shut down.

Tell you what, i wont do the nonsens “email me” thing but here do me this much:


send a quick in game mail, just a “hello” to my lvl 70 mage and my lvl 62 warrior.

Do that and I will believe you hands down, i’ll straight up retract my comments, in public. It doesnt matter how vehemently I can disagree if im proven wrong I will EAT my words.

I am heading out for a couple of hours in case you need to grind some copper/get to mailboxes etc to send them, I will check back when i get home.

What are they names and realms

There are already ways of tracking some characters via collections, achievement dates, etc. The wow armory is public information, so while it’s tedious to deal with, it is possible. If you login and opt in to specific sites, that opens up more information with your permission.

I’m right now specifically interested in if you were to take a random battle tag looking similar in form to Arfbishop#1234, use that alone as a search parameter. Does it allow you to search and show a list of characters?

That’s the point. They wanted the person they were responding to, to use their battle tag to find that information.

The onus is on them though


The onus is on the person who claimed that they could use battle tags to see alts to do what they claimed they could actually do.

Why would the person who issued the challenge be expected to give the answer before the other person even has a chance to prove their capability?

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