Forum battletage bullying

also mounts and the pets line up

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You are lying, I’m not sure why because anybody that plays this game seriously knows that you can’t track alts by battletag because the API function to do so does not exist. There is a reason you don’t name the site, after all.


if only these forums used a system that didnt show character, server, guild but just a username which doesnt expose anything about a person…

Like a common username of sort but because its blizzard and we’re on the battlenet system lets be wild can call it a “BattleTag”.

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Yes I forgot about that and no Battle Tag needed.

i go invincible then TLPD then ashes
the big three


It’s funny that’s all you got, no back up for your claims.

Lmao. There’s even a very well known website that can track you by btag, but only if you opt into it, which is funny that you try to claim 'the API don’t work like that, I Swears." Your levels of knowledge of this game and third party websites is even less than this games PvP dev(s)

No, there is no site that tracks your alts by battletag. You are lying repeatedly in these threads and it’s really pathetic. Again, you don’t name the site for a reason.


Soon can just ask chat GPT to do all the stalking for us.

RIO will, if you opt into it.

Personal insults from an MVP, huh. Such quality MVPs.

Because I have morals and don’t want to see it gets tons of use? I sent it into Blizzard in hope they shut it down like they did Xuna, that’s what I care about.

more like if such a site existed I would suspect blizzard would have broken its access long ago, much like they do with mundane things like addons showing arrows on screen.

This dude was trying to sell the same “website” in another thread and oddly enough also has no evidence. But thats ok. He owes me 14 billion USD. I didnt provide the paperwork but my word is good enough. He better pay me soon

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No, because you are lying.


So “trust me it’s real” got it. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

you “have morals” by harping on about privacy while sitting on a website that breaches privacy.

Good one. So you are completely valueless. A big bag of hypocrisy and double standards. You just KO’d yourself like that ard dude does.


Just when I thought we were making progress

That all you got? Cause I already disproved you by naming a well known site that at least requires you to opt into it, the API for it exists clearly. Sorry that facts don’t care about your opinion on whether or not I’m telling the truth, I do hope one day you figure stuff out.

“Trust me it doesn’t exist” got it :dracthyr_crylaugh:

Yeah, I do have morals, unlike you. As you and others point out, btag and everything else isn’t ‘private’ so it can’t be ‘breaching privacy’. Good one. Good one.

KO’d yourself again but I imagine you’re used to that. Which is it, btags and your character list is public, or is it private? Can’t make up your mind, but it seems you’re the one with double standards and proven to be hypocritical thus far.

this thread in a nutshell:

“you wont get bullied if we have access to your btag. we are going to bully you for saying that!”

well, at least it further reinforces why btags would be awful for this forum.


Lying. Repeatedly. In every one of these threads. It’s really sad.


It’s the same people too they bully regardless I guess trolls gonna troll though

Then don’t opt in maybe and problem solved and I wasn’t talking about RIO I was talking about the non existent website you refuse to name. :person_facepalming: