Forum Bans should carry over to In-Game Bans

But then you’d catch an in-game ban.

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Who hurt you OP?


my dad actually just built a whole new thing for the feeders at their house out of wood, and he attached flashing all along the bottom so squirrels and raccoons (mostly the raccoons) can’t climb up to reach the feeders. it’s very slick, and super sturdy unlike most of the shepherd’s poles you buy that bend over under the weight of the feeders

It’s hilarious how you think this is a “troll” issue and not a “I don’t want my real name on some video game forum for privacy and safety.”

Why? The forums aren’t the game and vice versa.

We already need to do this. Your reasoning makes no sense.


I may have to pass that idea on to my dad!

alternatively if you have a decent sized tree nearby, you could get one of those wooden squirrel feeders and nail it to the trunk. we put one up that’s right at the edge of the woods so they can stay back there and eat and they stopped bothering the bird feeders a long time ago

Awww can feed the birds and the squirrels that way, I like it!

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Considering the high incidence of false reports/false “flags” on this board (where people submit false flags simply because they don’t like another poster or simply to troll another poster), having the penalty or ban “extend” to in-game characters is a terrible idea lol

“what could possibly go wrong?”

The forums would quickly become a ghost-town as people look to protect themselves from a false/mass-false reports ban. The only people left posting (after all the regular/normal players cleared out) would be the usual brown-nosers, white-knights, MVPs, etc

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You can start by leaving the community. I can guarantee it would make it more wholesome and less filled with bad actors then any of your terrible ideas.

“Everybody who disagrees with me, despite the fact my idea will open up more harassment, including myself, are trolling”… /s

Oh hey, another idea that will just kick you straight right in the butt and you still wonder why people disagree with it.

Also, nilla-ace, do you’re thing.

Yeah honestly, you’re literally asking people to report you whenever you can with your ideas OP, heck, you aligned yourself with LGBT only to protect yourself, and there’s some people who are LGBT too or even will say their LGBT without even proving it (because there’s no way to prove your straight or LGBT without doxing somebody), what do you think their going to do if they feel threatened by you?

I think it’s better for everybody if you just shush.

Because it would open up more harassment rather then positivity. You know honestly, your ideas strike me more of you seeming pro-harrassment. :thinking:

Then again, you’ve lost the mask when you started being fake positive to harass and troll other people so…


Just… why? Like, OP why do you feel the need to make troll / bait threads on multiple characters just to get a rise out of people?


boredom. entertainment

although i dont really see whats entertaining about it since they’re not even good at trolling, they were found out pretty much immediately


10 char

I have been accused of that once or twice in my time here. I usually post on this guy or Cairnage but this guy seems to be my main poster now.

I usually switch to a character relevant to the discussion a lot of times simply to avoid the whole “You are Alliance, what do you know” when most of my accounts are Horde. Or what would a human know about a worgen? or a human know about Tauren?

Sometimes I just for get to switch back.

So I guess I can understand about sock puppeting, I just dont understand why anyone would need or want to do it…

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Who gave the mental ward patients access to a computer.


Honestly something that needs implemented though that we have in-game but don’t have here on the forums…

A section where we describe why we’re reporting someone. There’d be a lot less trolling on the forums if we could explain in detail with links WHY we’re flagging someone’s topic or response as trolling, or why it’s against the CoC.


I’ve never once been silenced in WoW for even tasteless jokes in public chats. I’ve been mod affirmed silenced on the forums for compliments and explaining why I don’t use a word. The forum and game have very different ways they are policed and enforced. The public view is vastly different on the forums and honestly feels like some people just report anything that so much as places a hair strand between their perfect eyes and their ideal forums.


Surprised OP hasn’t been forum banned. All of their post are flagged (Whether it’s flaggable or not).


Protected activist for alphabet.


I wonder if OP thinks the forum silence feature should also carry over? lmao


Youre being toxic, prepare for a ban!

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