Forum Bans should carry over to In-Game Bans

You realize you’d be banned, yes?


I’ve heard the same! I love birds though, they are my favorites!

You know who this person is, what they do, what they have done. Let the troll starve.


It looks hungry.

cuz ironically the official wow forums’ mods dont give af about moderating


Here we go again a new day, and some new post from one of those people about poor them/me/I.

Nah, forums and in game are 2 different things.

me too, i just like to sit and watch them. at home i’m having a lot of issues with grackles, ive got a group of over a dozen of them that just destroy all of the seed and peanuts i put out, every single day. it sucks because i’m pretty sure they chased off all the regular birds, so i’m buying all this expensive bird food for some ugly bullies to stuff themselves with

No. And…no.

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I want to get some pet birdies but I have three cats so it wouldn’t be safe. I content myself by talking to birds outside. My dad has bird feeders and the squirrels help themselves. He greases the poles to try to keep them from being able to climb up, it’s highly amusing.

The social contract does not apply here just in game. CoC here is similar, but different set of rules to have open discussions and the use of gifs, pics, videos and website sharing.

I signed the social contract in game, and by posting in the forums I agreed to follow forums CoC.

If it didn’t happen in game there is no need for punishment in forums, if it didn’t happen in the forums no need to punish in game.

I know this is a troll thread, but i could potentially see a forum ban coinciding with a in-game silence, if they really wanted to crack down on that kind of thing

I mean they’d also have to crack down on false flagging to prevent abuse of the game silencing and it would likely lead to more hassle than it’s worth but i can see an argument being made for it

Not banning in game, though. That’d just be silly

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You mean a slip of a word that gets you banned on the forum is a punishment in game consequence? I don’t think that is a very good PR for a company.

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Nope. Sorry. Although, you create a lot of troll posts which you should be banned too so in that case I wish you would be banned from the forums and in-game.

Lmfao, no.

It’s sorta like how I got banned from Tinder. There’s an option to report someone for their actions outside of the app, which I have no idea how you can prove the case in real life.

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Except the forums are not “the game”.

Or when you say something 100% truthful. Someone get’s felling hurt and bam your game time is gone.


No they are not the same. In 17 years I’ve gotten two forum bans and while I know it’s shocking for the accused to say they were innocent and I can tell you with transparent and honest humility that they were both reacting to someone attacking myself or kept hacking on other peoples play style . Neither was recent especially the first one which was years ago.

I can’t detail more because detailing the events that lead to a ban are itself a ban able offense.

The point to make is just because someone was or is forum banned doesn’t mean they are “bad” for lack of better wording. It just takes one admin type having a bad day and being bothered by just a single determined poster you offend to get a ban.

So to carry such a thing to your game account that’s over the top.

And besides as I said with any rulings if blizzard goes to crazy where people feel they can’t even defend an un-initiated attack on their character (I mean as a person not your wow character) without a ban to game time they pay for. Well people will not tolerate that long term and the bottom line will suffer for it.

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Sometime truth does hurts and we are emotional driven in nature,we leash out without thinking and do the unthinkable and yet there are those just bent to do all the wrong intent .This would be one of them.

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The truth should not be suppressed, more so if it hurts. Not getting too far into it but that how society grows.