Forum Bans should carry over to In-Game Bans

CS is one, isn’t it?

in other news, what are you guys having for lunch today?

one of the starlings that frequents my bird feeder here brought his baby with him and he’s feeding it peanut pieces, it’s adorable


there are a few - that may be one - tech support I think is another but the CS is probably more amusing

How am I wrong when you just said my point over again, also you can’t use GD i’m pretty sure so no one cares either about that.

Most people are paying a sub to post here and you should be banned in-game for trolling here, period.

Do you even play the game? You do a lot of trolling on this forum why would you suggest something that would result in you not playing (if you actually played).


This was already a thread.
RealID is not necessary. As others said previous about this Battlenet ID would be better for such usage.


That sounds adorable! A mama bird set her nest up on a ladder leaned against my dad’s shed and she dive bombed him the other day. She has given me a piece of her mind a couple times when I’ve walked by too. I hope her little babies are born soon and she can find a safer place for her nest!

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Nice idea - if I was their mom. Not a good idea as the outcome will not look like you think it will.

I think people who make non stop bait threads should be denied the opportunity to make thread for a month for each time they do.


You’re trying too hard. You were trying too hard with the first topic you made too but that one was par for the course considering the other names on the forums. This is trying too hard though.


Why are people putting any thought into this? It’s clearly a bait thread. Not even creative


Very much this.
I mean honest opinion here.
Most of these come from certain"T" names we all have come to know. Is it so wrong I’m comsidering a name change to not be lumped into those trolls nests?

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Demon hunters need nerfed :nerd_face:

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birds are crazy, ive heard there are magpies in australia i want to say? or maybe it’s europe? that go nuts every mating season and chase joggers and bikers around, dive bombing them

I’m boooooored.

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I actually don’t know the answer to this question: What do other WoW-related forums do that the Blizzard WoW forums don’t do? Because if you check out WoW-related forums on other websites/platforms, they’re just better: more on-topic, more relevant discussion, less trolling. Why?


Me too :stuck_out_tongue: Our server is still down at work. We’re currently over 24 hours into this problem. It’s been fun

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