Forsaken retake Undercity, Gilneans retake Gilneas, and Night Elves... get exiled from their homeland

I need this but with a vulpera.


I’m thinking we find a way to make they new tree come alive… after giving it a mind altering blight so it goes all chaotic😊

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Runs around with a match box for when the time comes…


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Kaldorei never really were into big cities to begin with, Darnassus was by far the largest settlement they had built since the sundering… So a small village also being the largest settlement in the region is not really all that surprising.

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That also kind of depends on the time of writing tbf. Books vaguely allude to another capital, and the 2003 idea of Nighthaven in Moonglade seemed much much larger and was a capital, and then WoW kind of went a different direction, likely because they made Darnassus and didn’t wanna make another larger hub in a zone that p much only druids used.


At the time of the interview, the patch content had already been developed. It speaks to the intent of the developers

A month is enough time to change dialogue based on the answer given and it wasn’t.

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Was this dialog not voice acted?

Look at the Garden of Secrets questline. They’d have had an NPC interaction (like the text boxs when you right click) contradict the voice acted dialogue if that was the case, because that’s what they did for Garden of Secrets. What NPCs say in those textboxes contradict the voice acted works.

It was a genuine question, I haven’t finished the patch content yet. If the dialog is voice acted, it most likely wasn’t changed recently. And if it was a cinematic, it’s even less likely. Quest text is different

The most blatant examples of it were voice acted yes. Mithaelar i think linked some others that were just the right click-text (Not even quest text, just the interaction text iirc)

I will say that whether or not something is voice acted doesn’t make it neccessarily true if the subtitles or text box says otherwise.

Also I have a six year old laptop and sometimes my sound will lag far behind what the text box says for a delay and will skip behind. So I go with what’s on the screen not what they’re saying vocally.

I think it’s just what the writer pushes more that should be considered true in the moment, not based on if your audio hardware works or not lol.

I’m just pointing out that the subtitles are going to be more reliable versus the voice acting in of itself.


Mainly the people that want to play as one.


My bad lol thats pretty fair.

You are right. Now that we know it’s a small village, how many people would you estimate live there? I’m curious to know what population you think is remaining in Kalimdor if many of them are going to Amirdrassil, so if you can provide some pointers to major population centers and relative numbers of folks staying there, that would be helpful.

Ashenvale, Hyjal, and Moonglade were able to sustain a large portion of the Night Elf population prior to Teldrassil’s existence, so it doesn’t seem like a stretch to claim that a post-war and post-Amirdrassil population would have plenty of room to live there, no?

This is always a problem when we begin trying to estimate population numbers. which is that the Azeroth we know about is the size of a small asteroid and from a lore perspective we would imagine these areas being much larger. Same issue exists for Eastern Kingdoms / Southern Kalimdor / Etc. Are there small miscellaneous settlements spread throughout these zones that we don’t know about? Or is Azeroth really that tiny? Considering that the NPC volume is larger than what could actually fit in these zones, I always assumed it was implied that there are spread-out, smaller populations that we just don’t see.

And I recognize that what I posted is mostly speculation, but it is something to think about.


Yes, and prior to Felwood becoming corrupted, Hyjal literally exploding, the Horde encroaching into Ashenvale (pre 4th War) and then the Horde slaughtering most of the population even as they pushed to Teldrassil and then finishing the job at Teldrassil.

Where do you think those populations ended up Post-3, Pre-4? Probably Ashenvale or Darnassus. What happened when the Horde pushed into Ashenvale in 4? They killed the civilian population of Astranaar and probably any other settlement they came across. Those who survived fled to Darnassus. What happened when the Horde burned down Teldrassil?

Where I’m going with this is that the remaining Night Elf population is a fraction of a fraction of what is once was and that most of the population was on Darnassus (as a result of the Horde’s incursions into Ashenvale) when Teldrassil was burned down. If the refugees from Teldrassil are going to Amirdrassil, and most of the population was in Teldrassil at the time, that means… Most of the population is going to Amirdrassil. Any who remain in Kalimdor are basically just a skeleton crew.

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Yes, we must assume that any population of Night Elves is going to be reduced due to their losses in the war and the creation of Amirdrassil. At least until Blizzard gives them the Blood Elf treatment.