Forsaken retake Undercity, Gilneans retake Gilneas, and Night Elves... get exiled from their homeland

Not to give a cop out answer but it is really hard to say. Before Teldrassil, the Kaldorei seem the sort to prefer scattering themselves across the forest in many small villages rather than centralize in a big city that could throw off the ecological balance of the region. Killing off a large portion of a population which is diffused is a hard trick to pull off. The Horde for sure decimated the population of Astranaar due to its strategic location, But Saurfang did not support his troops wanton slaughtering for fun so it is not as likely unimportant villages who did not fight would of suffered the same fate. A lot of people surely would of fled the oncoming forces.

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The Darkspear tribe is indigenous to Stranglethorn Vale. They were kicked out of the Vale and exiled to some random islands in the middle of the sea, which then sank, and they migrated to the Echo Isles to survive. The islands that they “Got back” have only hosted them for a few years.


Not to mention the poor Farraki trolls like this character, who have to live in a ghetto in Zuldazar

Precisely. So, tell me where you disagree:


  • Night Elves are thriving and their population is spread out throughout Northen Kalimdor

Warcraft 3

  • As the Orcs and Legion invade Ashenvale, the civilians are probably evacuated to either Hyjal, Darkshore, or Felwood

  • Tichondrius corrupts Felwood, displacing anyone there. They probably go to Winterspring, Hyjal, or Darkshore

  • The plan to trap Archimonde is formulated, and civilians at Hjyal are evacuated to either Winterspring or Darkshore


  • Darnassus is built and the majority of the population is now in Darnassus


  • Horde incursions into Ashenvale probably push civilians further North into Darkshore

War of Thorns

  • The Horde is on a warpath through Ashenvale. They slaughter the civilians at Astranaar and likely the other settlements

  • Survivors are probably seeking refuge in Darkshore or directly to Darnassus

  • Any civilians in Darkshore are further evacuated as the Horde starts pushing in

  • Now almost their entire civilian population is on Teldrassil

  • The Horde burns Teldrassil

  • Refugees go to Stormwind and Hyjal

  • Many remain in Stormwind all the way up until Amirdrassil blooms

  • We already know the government at Hyjal relocates to Amirdrassil

  • The refugees from Stormwind relocate to Amirdrassil

  • What population is left in Kalimdor?


The honest answer, that none of us will like, is that the population numbers are whatever Blizzard needs them to be

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Fair point, my b

Oh, 100%. Somehow the tiny group of researchers that became the first Void elves fielded a huge army less than a year later. Never trust Blizzard’s ability to count people or years is a rule of thumb I go by.


Yeah when you read a book like game of thrones and Martin throws around army numbers they generally matter. There are stakes when four thousand men are lost on the other side of the riverbank.

Wow you just got to take the bullet points. Those are the only things that matter in any real sense.

I think the issue here is that the sheer number of “probablys” and “likelys” that you had to insert to compile these bullets is why these discussions quickly devolve into headcanon. If we want to speculate, I would guess that maybe 2/3 of the remaining Night Elf population (which is an unknown number) would live on Amirdrassil and the remaining 1/3 would be spread throughout the rest of the world, mostly Kalimdor but Eastern Kingdoms as well. And then we’d have our usual crowd of Cenarion Druids that seem to be everywhere.

A more vague guess is that undisclosed-but-significant majority of Night Elves will live in Amirdrassil as their central location, with an undisclosed-but-notable-enough presence in Ashenvale and Hyjal. This seems in line with the breadcrumbs that we’ve been given, in my opinion.

2/3 of their already minimal population abandoning their homelands is not acceptable and is a point I addressed directly in the previous thread which you spent hours gaslighting me that I was reading too much into things lol.

If most of their population is gone, and 1/3 remains in Kalimdor then how the hell are they going to keep Kalimdor? Can they even be said to still call Kalimdor home if they’re only holding it with a skeleton crew?

So even by YOUR acceptable headcanon, my post still remains a fair criticism of the story.

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The Blood Elves went through a similar decimation of their population and they’re still fielding armies like it never happened. Not to mention the split between High and Void elves.

Populations don’t matter. There will be exactly however many Kaldorei that the story needs to progress said story


Apparently you have misrepresented my position, I did not gaslight you. My entire soap-box has been that they are not abandoning Kalimdor, but I fully acknowledged that Amirdrassil is the new hub.

And my post addressed multiple times that even a skeleton crew remaining on Kalimdor is not acceptable, given its thematic, narrative, and moral implications.

So, yes, you spent hours arguing against me at about a point that I already addressed and you and many others already said is valid criticism.

That’s nice, and you are free to have that opinion. Don’t expect it to change though.

You are a very black & white thinker, I’ve noticed. I don’t have to 100% agree or 100% disagree with your points.

While you’ve toned it down quite a bit, your original rhetoric involved a headcanon that the continent was being “abandoned”. That is what I’ve been arguing against.

They’re also 100% confirmed to reunite their people in their homelands. So at least they have that going for them.

Yeah. That’s also true too.

Well, a skeleton crew is effectively abandoning it but OK.

Regardless, AGAIN, I addressed scenarios where some of the population remains in Kalimdor MULTIPLE times. So, no, my original rhetoric wasn’t 100% black and white.

This continuous dismissal or outright denying of things I have already said is continued gaslighting and it’s annoying lol

In fact, NOWHERE in my OP did I say, outright “The Night Elves are getting every single civilian and soldier out of Kalimdor”.

And even though the Quel’dorei are still exiles from SMC itself, they are allowed to pilgrim to the Sunwell, thus retaining their connection to their ancestral sites.

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I would explain that the Kaldorei aren’t abandoning Kalimdor, but I’m honestly tired of beating that dead horse.

You’re obviously convinced otherwise.

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I haven’t changed a single thing I’ve said, I continue to point out that the Night Elves will have a continued presence in Kalimdor with Amirdrassil as their new hub. That’s all I’ve been saying this whole time. Maybe you are gaslighting yourself.