Forsaken retake Undercity, Gilneans retake Gilneas, and Night Elves... get exiled from their homeland

I really really hope it doesn’t become their capital. God there is going to be a huge disconnect in terms of leveling and following the flow of the lore if that’s the case. Worse than going from Exiles Reach to BFA or even Dragonflight.

Just because blizzard didnt want move them back then doesn’t mean it’s a clown answer. It’s the truth, something you personally are going to have to cope with

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Then why does the text of the game- which came out after the interview, aka is more recent and up to date, say it’s their homeland and they as a collective people have no other home.

At least admit that blizzard is being painfully inconsistent about it, it’s dishonest to ignore what released a week ago because something before it says something else lmao.


Yeah, that’s accurate that game depictions are dubious at best.

So here’s one from a book that describes Astranaar as “A small VILLAGE (not city, not town) in a small lake”

Sadly yeah.

They probably didn’t, canonically. We don’t know.

But the game doesn’t update every time there’s a change in a book or a change in an expansion. Ashenvale in-game for example, is still set in the Cataclysm along with the rest of the old world, except for four zones, Darkshore, Arathi Highlands, Teldrassil and Tirisfal Glades.

Could they have updated Ashenvale to show the destructive power of the Horde as they carved their way through to Darkshore? Yes. Did they? No. That’s simply how Blizzard operates when it comes to their games. They don’t have a proper living world. But they do update every now and then when they can.


If a world revamp happens they will probably build a new starting zone for nelves.

I dont think a world revamp is coming in 11.0, so it is for now.

Blizzard being inconsistent? Perish the thought. :stuck_out_tongue:

All I can do is present what to me is the most coherent and logical read of what they have said and shown over the past few years. If you want to take a totally different read that is fair. We shall see what read of the situation bears out over time, I suppose.

Holds up torch

You want the new home to go too? I have no issue!


I’m with you. My forsaken being like. Nice and crap is giving him itchy fingers.

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Honestly, it’s on brand for the Horde so… at least someone will have consistent writing.


Canonically they did. Lore canon is not just that of what’s in the game but also that of the books and short stories as well. Which is a cluster of cats running around burning things down when you play on a rp server and like…half the people don’t read the books or short stories and point out the npcs every five seconds.

I mean sure Blizzard is held together by super glue, spaghetti code and broken dreams but they really need to do better at connecting their lore with their books and short stories and the game. Idc if there’s like an npc dictating half of these things or they do like a little short animated series explaning these nuansces via like warbringers. And have an npc like point it out.

That’d actually be cool.

Where’s an Omnicidal Warchief when you need one huh?

(I’m JOKING, before someone blows a blood vessel over it)

I just like to set the world on fire…


Amirdrassil already has plenty of space and camps for a start zone area.
After that the new player portals through Kalimdor do the rest of their leveling… but if this ever occurs to this scale I can promis you that progression and factions would have been completely retooled.

Oh that is just your nerves rotting. Sounds like you need new arms. Time to Mr. Potato Head you.

I am eagerly awaiting your response to mine :slight_smile:

If blizzard comes back later and goes against what is said in the actual in-game text of the chapter itself, it is more than likely going to be because of people pointing out the problems of this story. Because their interview from a month ago does not reflect what is actually being said in the patch itself by the actual leader of the race.

At the very least acknowledge the inconsistency so they’ll feel like they have to address it. Though to be honest the reddit and twitter are doing most of the work lmao they prolly don’t read here if we’re being honest with ourselves.


I guess if you’re into RPing that sort of thing… Sure.

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