Forsaken retake Undercity, Gilneans retake Gilneas, and Night Elves... get exiled from their homeland

OK, well, if it’s easy to assume either way, I choose to talk about the problematic option and discuss why it’s problematic in hopes that with enough momentum, we can avoid that. This is especially true when you consider the colossal mistakes of the narrative team in recent years.

All of this neglects to address the fact that Amirdrassil on the Dragon Isles, regardless of the status of Kalimdor, is silly when it should have been in Kalimdor to begin with. Then there’d be no need for ‘wild, over-reactive’ speculation :wink:

I can’t quote images.

And you did. You didn’t post anything about Ashenvale, or Darkshore, or Azshara.
You posted Stonetalon, Feralas, and some lake.

Let me tell you.
I stuck with WRA Alliance despite its death.
It’s been hard.
But I’m playing my Horde DK now and I forgot what it was like to have people besides irl friends/family to play with.


The books also stated that Darkshore was destroyed and parts of Ashenvale were under control of the Horde.

Because that’s how they are in game. I wouldn’t really use Exploring Kalimdor as a source since it just copied and pasted what the in game lore was and was like “yeah it’s totally like that a year or two after the Fourth War.”

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Not really. I think a lot of the Night Elf communities on Moon Guard are thinking of using it as a rp hub once 10.2.5 hits. And the reasoning has been because Stormwind sucks. There’s even been a guild that sprouted for Amirdrassil as well.

Even though there’s other areas and rp hubs for the kaldorei have been in existence. Still people believed that the Night Elves made their home in Stormwind even though the npcs were trapped chronologically after the Burning of Teldrassil.

I wouldn’t be surprised if other guilds started to follow suit and do the same thing. But it’s kind of maddening that now they decided that the Dragon Isles is the place to rp as opposed to…Ashamane’s Temple in Val’sharah or Feralas or literally anywhere else…

But the expectation for kaldorei rpers seems to be that they will all move to Amirdrassil. There will be outliers, but the expectation is that yes they are moving to Amirdrassil.

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It maintained the old world, but it gave in character explanations that clearly state that it is currently true.

Dude argued Nelves were leaving Kalimdor and fabricated evidence because there is none that supports his argument.

I know of a few scarlet and worgen guilds and players are also moving to gilneas to RP for much the same reasons that kaldorei rpers have, that being stormwind sucks.

If gilneas gets the same love as amdrisaal did, I’m moving over to gilneas also for personal reasons, the main one being I dislike stormwind myself

Stormwind is basically a low poly disney world attraction… not a lot to love.

I am excited to see Amirdrassil function as a Kaldorei hub. I am hoping they open a canonical portal between it and the blackwald and we get gilnean visitors and vice versa. The two peoples should continue to share close ties despite how unlikely a duo they make.


That would be amazing actually and I’d love the idea of both groups maintaining close ties with one another


And incredibly easy to assume that there wasn’t going to be a mass migration.

Hence why barely anyone found your arguments to have any merit.

Dragon Isles or Kalimdor, really doesn’t matter at all.

Like most have been saying.

Amirdrassils location doesn’t matter, who cares. And if there’s no migration, then it doesn’t really change anything about Nelves besides giving them a new ‘city’ to live in canonically.

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It’s clear that Blizzard wanted to save her for the future. Now they’ve created a story hook for a Defense of Amirdrassil quest chain for the Dragonflight epilogue, it allows them to bring her back. The question I have is if this was always the plan, did they have an original plan that they shelved, or is this story hook going to be followed upon?

After all Blizzard haven’t always followed through on story hooks, case in point nothing being done about Neptulon being kidnapped by Ozumat until Legion revealed that he had freed himself off screen.


Dragonflight itself does feel full of plot hooks that didn’t get used, like how the Oathstones and Tyr ultimately weren’t used to get the Aspects their powers back.

I like Mon-Ark, though (just did Mon-Ark’s quest chain yesterday and the commentary Mon-Ark gave during the quests was hilarious), so maybe I can hope that Wratheye will show up and be defeated by nice(r) Gnolls who could be added to the Night Elves’ collection of fuzzy friends, like the Furbolg.


Feels like blizzard was cave delving in the dark, and grabbing for any hand purchase they could possibly take hold of.


Based on Raszageth’s taunt to Alexstrasza when failing to activate the mother oathstone, I was expecting part of the Tyr/Titan questchain was going to be the dragons discovering that they had diverged so much from the Titans’ original plans that the Oathstones no longer recognized them, and they could have some drama over that: discussing the Titans’ plans for them vs. their own self-view, perhaps wondering if their old friend Tyr would recognize them if they succeeded at awakening him now, etc.

I was looking forward to that, but it feels like that plot point was dropped or forgotten. :cry:

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A big one was how Tyr had the dragons swear oaths upon Oathstones… and then made a tool called “Oathbinder” that could mind control draconic beings.


Amusingly Tyr does acknowledge that the Dragonflights are walking their own path now, but the context ending up being Tyr not recognizing his own place on Azeroth rather than that of the Dragons.


The way the key art of DF shows Ysera and Wrathion among the aspects, and Ebyssian lacking an unique dragon model up to 10.2, and Merithra still being just a regular night elf model with unique equipment, makes me think the original intention of the writers of the xpac was to bring Ysera back for good and make Wrathion the black dragobflight aspect, so the developments we see today are IMO products of change in development for maybe several different reasons only one can speculate (backlash on removing malfurion being one of them)


In part I think this is true, in part I think it is the team is still struggling to fully work on multiple things at once. Some of these oversights may just be they never worked it into the time budget properly so they were forced to be a bit slapdash.

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I dont think the trade between Ysera and Malfurion was ever meant to be permanent. Plus the loading screen isn’t really evidence. After all Krexis was on the Shadowlands loading screen and he died off screen in the Maldraxxus storyline. Furthermore by having Wrathion on the loading screen, it allowed for Sabellian’s return and Ebyssian’s involvement in the story to be surprises.

Though considering how little we saw of Ysera, I’m in the camp of there was cut content.


Yeah, you’re right, we can never know. The loading screen key art could have been a simple red herring.

Though, bothering to make a new model for Ysera when she appears in 2 quests while Merithra gets the spotlight rocking a regular night elf model is a bit suspicious.