Forsaken retake Undercity, Gilneans retake Gilneas, and Night Elves... get exiled from their homeland

I’ll give you that. Though I think it was tied in with cut content, over her remaining on Azeroth.

I also posted directly about Ashenvale and Winterspring:

So which part(s) of anything I said are “blatant lies”? because you quoted posts where I directly quoted source material.

Exploring Kalimdor confirms Astranaar was a massacre. It also confirms Astranaar is a tiny town. “A small lake with an even smaller village at its heart.” Realistically, how many Night Elves are left on Kalimdor if the majority of their population was killed in the Fourth War and then a good chunk of them are going to Amirdrassil?

Except the YouTubers, people commenting on the youtube videos, the 40+ people who liked my post about the migration completing the genocide of the Kaldorei…

Your main criticism is that “barely anyone” agreed with my points, yet so many people thought the same. You only seem to be saying that my argument is wrong because some unspecified number of people disagreed. You have no evidence beyond a handful of posters trolling the threads while many people came to say their concerns are the same or similar.

Given that you yourself acknowledged my argument is based on my interpretation of the data, why are you spending so much time arguing against my interpretation? What does that accomplish? Are you trying to invalidated my interpretation and suggest that I have no sense of what I’m talking about? Because clearly that’s not the case. And if you are arguing that I have no sense of what I’m talking about, and my interpretation is based entirely on fictional narrative that I invented, that’s pretty much the definition of gaslighting - especially with the context that I provided evidence countless times.

The best part of this is, you said it’s easy to assume either way and that I’m totally off base for assuming the way I did. Yet even in post I started about the mass migration, I acknowledge there’s a chance I’m wrong. You can see it in the screenshot above. I’m not sure how else to demonstrate that I considered all the data, including data that goes against my main argument. Either way, I appear to have either been wrong or small steps are being taken by the team to move things into a direction that isn’t catastrophic to the Night Elf racial fantasy. Regardless of those small steps, I still think Amirdrassil located anywhere but Kalimdor is a mistake. One that isn’t going to change now, but there are ways to mitigate the negative consequences of that mistake as I briefly summarize in another thread:

Even if I was wrong, what harm does voicing my concern pose to you or anyone else? Why are you so invested in me being wrong?
I genuinely don’t see the merit of entering a thread where someone interprets the data differently and trolling it, other than malicious intent. So unless you can explain your actions in a better light and demonstrate that your intention is benevolent or at the very best neutral, I’ll continue to to understand it as malicious intent only to stir up trouble for some reason known only to you.

Cut short and unsupported by the content wherein your claims (that the Kaldorei left Kalimdor so you could keep your victim card) are completely dashed.

Even here you don’t include where the nelves have taken full control of Ashenvale – save for STP and the Lumbermill) while also invading Azshara and the Barrens.

That’s one race against the entire Horde and you decided to make crap up so you could cry.

This bottom one isn’t a lie, but not in the way you had intended.
The Alliance won the fourth war wholly and completely.
The Horde lost every battle after the War of Thorns.
The Horde lost the Fourth War itself.

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OK, you’re right. I made it all up to deliberately mislead you. /s Have a good night :slight_smile:

There’s a lot of good stuff, but it still feels weird to me that no-one in story acknowledges, with regard to Elune, how messed up what happened with her in Shadowlands was.

She did nothing to stop the massacre of her “favoured children” as she called them in a cinematic. Instead she let them die so they could be used by her sister. And then she didn’t even bother checking they arrived with her sister so they all got sent to the Maw instead.

Now the ‘survivors’ (for lack of a better word since they’re still dead) were put in the seed, then tree and we see at least one as a wisp but many were wiped out of existence and their people’s goddess did nothing for them.

Yet in game, aside from occasionally the Darkfallen Night Elves the rest of them all seem to be perfectly happy and content with this treatment and still devoted to her.

There should be something made of what happened in story. Some people not content to worship the goddess who abandoned and sacrificed them.

It shouldn’t look like it is just in Kalimdor because, well; it’s not.

It would make sense to have the sorts of wildlife that Kalimdor did (from being imported/transplaneted to develop the new homeland), but in addition to the Emerald Dream varieties, not instead of them.

Similarly with the lighting: if they make it too Kalimdor-esque it won’t look like it is in the Dragon Isles. But if they make it too Emerald Dreamy it won’t look fitting for the Night Elves home. They need to strike a balance and make it work as a blend of both and not one or the other.

They literally have portals to all their old lands shown. That should easily allow their army plenty of mobility if any war were to arise in the future.

Portals existed in the War of Thorns and didn’t help. Permanent portals seem to be more a gameplay thing than a lore thing. But it’s kind of ambiguous.


This is the dumbest complaint.
The Arbiter has run for time immemorial.
She was running before Elune became a goddess.
Citation: Knaifu, upstart goddess.

Elune had absolutely not one single reason to doubt that the Arbiter would work, nor do we have any reason to believe she is omniscient.



I just think you suck.

I’m really not, never really was.

You were just wrong, that’s about it.
Wrong about your doomer narrative that you took such pride in before and accepted as some truth.

Trolled :sunglasses:

Should’ve just stuck with this tbh.

Any normal person would’ve cut their losses ages ago and stopped replying to any of the people in this thread, but your own pride in your forum image wouldn’t allow it.

And that’s really really funny to me.

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Let me help out here and offer you a very good explanation why the night elves aren’t talking about this, and I’ll apologize in advance if this comes across any kind of way.

The night elves (except for some exceptions) aren’t losing their minds over Elune not being an omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent being because…

The night elves are not American capitalistic atheists.

Like, religion has existed throughout time. Genocide and slaughter and general badness have also existed throughout time. The existence of the latter, even when it directly affects religious groups, is not mutually exclusive with the former. Bad things happening to good people does not result in an entire religion to question their belief system.

You’re approaching this from a perspective the night elves don’t have. They are not pre-exposed to questioning if Elune even exists or not. To the contrary, they know factually Elune exists. She is real, they know she is real, and they have concrete proof.

You’re also assuming that worship of Elune must follow modern monotheistic principles; Elune, being all-powerful, can just choose not to let the bad happen, because she is all-powerful and solely so.

But the night elves are not monotheistic, because they know, factually, other gods exist and even acknowledge those other gods. Cenarius is a god. Aessina and Aviana are gods. Malorne and Ursoc are gods. Night elves believe this. Night elves know this. Night elves have met them. And that’s without pointing to Sargeras, Cthun, Naaru and other weirdness that night elves absolutely know and understand to be gods, and to be very real.

Night elves worship, largely, Elune above all others, but they have never ascribed to her a state of absolute control over all things. They did not suddenly ask why Elune didn’t stop the Sundering, because they don’t have a belief system that says “Elune will never allow bad things to happen”. Heck, even in real-world religions, you don’t see that kind of belief system.

If the night elves suddenly lost their faith now, after the what? Seventeen thousandth attempt to murder their entire race occurred, that would be very unrealistic to what we have seen of their beliefs.

When Azshara screwed everything up and blew up Old Kalimdor, they didn’t lose their faith.
When Cthun awoke and started doing the big bad, they didn’t lose their faith.
When the war of the Satyr happened, when orcs arrived and tried eating their trees, when Deathwing broke the world, when Garrosh marched across Ashenvale, when the Legion returned, when Arthas sent zombies everywhere, when most of this happened in the span of a single dang decade… They didn’t ask why Elune didn’t stop it.

Because they don’t believe Elune is a nanny god, who holds their hands and stops bad things from happening.

Likewise for the Maw, assuming Tyrande and Shandris were for no good reason broadcasting that knowledge to every single night elf so they even could talk about it… Finding out some other god they never heard of (which, again, is something night elves are already acclimated to because they’ve been introduced to the concept for over ten thousand years) broke death pretty much covers this, because again they don’t believe in an omnipotent Elune, and they don’t believe she will or even can stop all the bad things from happening. They already have experienced what happens when other gods (Sargeras, Cthun, others) interfere in their lives, it goes very badly. And in the end, Elune saved who she could and restored them.

Basically, at the end of it all?

Night elves do not have a transactional religion, where they exchange the currency of their worship for the service of stopping all the bad.


Did you miss the part of where the WQ says they were offered eternal life in ardenweald but choose to empower the seed?

It wasnt elune or wq’s call, it was of the night elven souls.

Also, if the arbiter was working, then the souls would go to ardenweald and be fine.

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Not really. In five years time, they wouldn’t sit on their hands and allow for Darkshore to remain destroyed. They would have rebuilt it already. Ashenvale would have been fully reclaimed.

Though with Stonetalon and Azshara I don’t think they would have invaded it with the paper thin armistice in place. Any sort of aggression on any Alliance body would have restarted the war. They may not have liked the Alliance’s response with the armistice but they would have to honor it in some form.

In a way, if Blizzard makes Amirdrassil the capital, it’s going to make it seem like that will be the case. As I stated before portal magic lore wise is tricky and teleporting a large group of people is going to have some consequences. Some losing their limbs, some getting intensely sick. And that’s from the in game lore itself.

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The problem is that there have been rp hubs to use for both groups. There’s several hubs in the world to use other than Stormwind. With the harassment lawsuits it kind of killed any means of using other hubs, that and people just regarded Stormwind as a main hub, refusing to move which was seen with the past sharding this year where people became so upset instead of just…moving the rp to other cities or hubs.

It’s honestly hypocritical on the community at best. And at worst. And I blame Blizzard for not taking out the npcs left from the Burning of Teldrassil sooner. Again realistically speaking the Kaldorei wouldn’t stay there for long nor would the Gilneans.

As you said, both refugee groups suffered the problem of being stuck in their Cata for the Worgen and BfA for the Kaldorei, phases respectfully and blizz just never did anything to rectify that problem. Or at least throw in some NPC dialogue that the both groups were leaving/preparing to leave.

And I and others have used Gilneas in the past for RP, the problem with it currently, is that it’s such a phased mess, only certain areas are useable in any reliable fashion, even then you sometimes run into some wonky phasing issues.

I’m just happy both groups are getting some much needed love and I can’t wait to see both cities in all their glory

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I don’t think thats true. There’s been various groups rping in Gilneas for years. You can find custom groups going typically.

The same can be said for other Kaldorei areas. Or have a guides to help unphass certain areas like Lordaeron and Tyr’s Hand.

I don’t know what people expect from Elune, believing in her gives more benefits than following any other diety. Many cry about how she’s failed night elves, but currently only Elune and Bwonsamdi are worth of worshiping.

She constantly helps night elves by giving them powers of healing, shadowmelt, control over stars and even a cool wisp skin after death. She heals Ysera, constantly defends her champion (Tyrande), slows down march of the horde in Ashenvale, helps find and save Malfurion, gives them power able to regain lost lands and fight for months in hell. She even gave them an apology gift in form of seed/a new house.

What the other Gods do?

Light? Helped defeat the Lich King, but nothing more. Lordaeron/Stormwind was destroyed. Silence. Tyrion was killed by a random boss. Don’t care. Anduin has been kidnapped. Nothing. The Draenei was hunted by Legion. Don’t fight them, run away, trust me bro.

Earth mother? Once in WC3 she save Cairne that’s it.

An’she/Belore? Absent when Taurens was genocided by Centaurs and Blood Elves by the Scourge.

Loa? only Bwonsamdi is praised by many for saving trolls souls from the Maw. Elune, on the other hand when she lost souls of her people she managed to save her champion Tyrande when Bwon lost Vol’Jin and Rastakhan. they’re both just better in different thing.

Titans? We’re only tools for them.

Elune does more for the night elves than any other god does for their followers, but for some people this is still not enough. She’s not omniscient and omnipotent, no one in warcraft universe is.


Portals were also used to help the people of Teldrassil evacuate. They where used to get the alliance forces out of undercity back in wotlk if I’m not mistaken, and to move troops and engineers and who knows what else across time and space in WoD. It depends on the kind of story blizzard wants to tell in that moment.

Sure, it’s terrible writing, but that’s the truth of it.

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They were also used to ferry troops amd people between the realm of death and the living world with relative ease too

Also, the only way in or out of Teldrassil was also a portal (or hippogryph flying).

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So to make it short… Portals an be used for anything and everything except to transport armies to help Night Elves.

Good to know!

That’s why having several portals in Amordrassil means nothing except for maybe tourism proposes.